Zach Dykes Interview


What’s the official name of your diet? (Rip-It, Camel, and McDonalds)
Ha, it’s the super toxins diet. Mixed with a little bit of the Atkins diet. I hear Matthew McConaughey is on it too, so I have that going for me.

What is the origin and importance of the “dirty long johns”?
That name speaks for itself, gotta have some dirty long johns for these winters.

How has your life changed since becoming the Bohtz team manager?
Being the TM has been amazing, but I did just demote George and Spivey to flow. They need to step it up.

How did you start riding for Scum Co?
I’ve been going up to Pittsburgh for a while now, Rob Starr who made the Fuck Yinz videos lived in Baltimore for a while so I met all those guys through him. I think I got drunk with Nick one night and he asked me to ride for them, had to prove my worth at the bar. It has been probably three years or so now.


Based on personal experience, what is Stan’s general relationship with NYC cab drivers?
Ah man, yeah we had a bit of confrontation with a cabby over the summer. Dude came after us with a tire iron and Stan gave him the old left hook and knocked him into his own trunk. It was insane haha.

I heard you guys were trying to smoke in the cab though?
The cabby thought we were smoking, so we got out and Stan kicked the door in.

Sounds about right. Tell us a little about Lake Trout.
Lake Trout is a Baltimore video we’re working on that should be out in the summer. Due to the lack of filmers in this city, I decided to get a camera a while back and just do our own video. Will Stackus just bought another VX so we’ve all been learning how to film each other. It has been fun. There should be parts from Spivey, Teta, Bryan, Vana, Brian Powderly, Will Stackus, and myself.


Any parting words?
Thanks to you and Alex Reyes for doing this. Thanks to Tim and Mal, Mr. Scumco, the Fuck Yinz crew, the Bohtz boys, and all the homies in D.C.

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