Two Company Premieres

Clean and wholesome. p-Chew

Company, a Michael Chew joint, is 11 minutes of skating from over the last two years in New York. It’s the result of several group chats going off at once and then people actually showing up to Monument, Seaport, or wherever when the camera bag’s there. When you’re at the age of #skateonceeverydamnweek hitting the streets is literally skating a thin line between being out all day with your friends and having to explain to your coworkers that you are an adult skateboarder who injured themself. There’s also the added discipline of keeping the bar tabs short and reasonable the night before, skipping the not-weed drugs occasionally, and knowing how to use a foam roller. And if you skate within your abilities, except for a few gifted skaters in the lineup, it’s possible you might’ve ended up in Company. I won’t recap the vid much here—did I mention it’s only 11 minutes long?

It actually premiered twice, once at Biddy Early’s in Boston and again at Palace in Greenpoint. Also, Is It Sick? premiered at Biddy’s too, featuring Justin Callahan, Jeff Burke, Ian Coughlan, and Brent Eastman among other Boston locs. They skate better than most people, and actually know what the hell they’re doing inside an REI, so there. If you missed out, I went to both, so I could tell you how they went as you enjoy the pics!

Kinda like that guy who went to Harvard and blew shit up. p-Chew

Biddy’s hosted a snowed in crowd of familiar faces coming from far and wide. The venue was down for the double feature premiere, and the crowd wasn’t shy like middle schoolers at a dance, hugging walls wishing to be talked to. It’s rare to go to a skate video premiere with this kind of familiarity where everyone pretty much knows everyone else. People were literally pissing with the doors open. So here are some do’s and don’ts for premieres:

  1. Do hug and tell someone you’ve missed them. In the Winter, this doubles as keeping your homie warm too.
  2. Don’t be afraid to accessorize. In other words, I got a piercing for the occasion.
  3. Microdosing is welcome.
  4. Do call a rideshare. It’s easier than a DUI or parallel parking in the snow.

The turnout at Biddy’s was strong, and the bar worked nonstop with the good times only ending so people could sleep. As far as I know, no one got arrested or hospitalized, so we’ll chalk it up to a win baby!

The Palace viewing happened about a week later and almost nearly didn’t happen at all. After figuring out which laptop to use, Company looped smoothly for a backroom of NY skaters and friends. It was also a night I almost threw up.

I wish I could say the Palace premiere went as planned for me like the one at Biddy’s, but sometimes your luck runs out. The premiere itself went fine, and the crowd was psyched on it. But I dropped my camera a few times botching my last roll of film. To make things worse, I started to get really dizzy then ended up at Nightshade by the BQE. A friend started talking to me about going out to film sometime, but I was just actively trying not to throw up. I sat at the bar nodding my head struggling to hit the two drink minimum. My eyes were drawn to the lights in the back corner of the bar toward the skee ball machine. The bench next to it was empty—a sign to evacuate from the bar.

I sat there almost having a panic attack, so far away from my house feeling sicker by the minute. Some friends soon came over, and we started taking turns at skee ball. They probably don’t know this, but it really helped me calm down enough to walk across the street for a slice at Archie’s before getting a ride home. The night started off fine at Palace as a celebration before taking a slight nosedive. It’s okay, but I think I’m good on video premieres for a little while.

Seth, Beach, and KC showed up. p-Chew
Jeff tending bar, but also having a good time. p-Chew
Crockett and Follen discussing. Hey is that a french fry or a joint? p-Chew
Hartley’s face sums up the vibe at Biddy’s. p-Chew
PSA to tip your bartender. p-Chew
Chew and Sean. One made Company and the other makes sure Biddy’s is full of good company. p-Chew
Evan hanging out with some fans. p-Chew
1 of 2 photos not totally destroyed. p-Kenny
Driving over the Kosciuszko bridge after Archie’s. p-Kenny

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