What is The Vacation? You’ve probably seen some of their posts or that section in Headcleaner, but maybe you want to know how it started, and who is involved. Spivey was working the night I hit him up, but still gave me some answers in between deliveries. – Smalls
What up, you at work? Where you working right now?
Number One Chinese Delivery. Stayin strong, my dude, holdin it down.
Alright I’ll make this quick. How did The Vacation begin?
Damon asked me if I wanted to help him work on something separate from Politic, with less dudes.

And where did this name come from?
I think it was just a battle of names and Damon came up with it. Him and Creasy [Threads video] were backin it the hardest and they went with that one. Mostly the whole vacation from real life things.
I know you’re buddies with Brian (Powderly), but how did the rest of the team come about?
That was mostly through Creasy. David Clark was getting boards through Deluxe, and I dunno if they had any plans for him. John Ettman, Damon, and CB had been talking about him getting on Politic and they put him on The Vacation. The squad is just four dudes, yup.
And this is affiliated with Politic?
Yeah I guess it’s like a little sister brand, still Damon and CB fully. Hold up dude, I gotta make this delivery real quick.
All good dude, do your thing.
-sounds of Spivey making a delivery- Yo yo! I’m back.
I think I’ve only got one more question here. I know you’ve drawn a couple board graphics already, but will you always be as involved with the art?
That was my impression for a little bit, but no I just did two drawings for the first release. Getting graphics okay’d would be easier with just Damon and CB onboard, instead of working with other graphic dudes. So yeah, when he came to me it was more like you wanna do some…cause I’d been trying to get graphics pushed for Politic for awhile and he said it was a little bit harder. So far this one, he gave me some freedoms as far as drawing graphics.
So pretty much do whatever you want?
Yeah, kinda. I haven’t tried to get too many things pushed, but I hope as this goes on that I’ll at least be in control of designing my pro model boards. Cause you know, you try to do too many things, but if I can just do mine I’ll be hyped. Not all of them, but at least one or two at a time, or something. I got a new drawing coming out for the next batch of boards too, I’m excited for that for sure. I’ve never seen anything that I’ve drawn come out on a board, so I’m pretty hyped for that. Hyped to skate em and shit.