The Chronicles of Guillaume ‘Gigi’ Nozieres

As told by the homies

The Snack crew in SF has always been tight-knit. Things function more like a family than a team. Although people have moved, San Francisco is still considered a homebase. It could also be considered a proving ground for anyone hoping to Join our ranks.

Hailing from Lyon, France, we met Gigi through our French distributor. Displaying explo sive power, control, and a dash of French refinement, Gigi’s skating speaks for itself. But could he hold it down in the field? Gigi answered the call and dove headfirst into a cul tural immersion program in the streets of San Francisco.

The City is not for the faint of heart. The clash of Gigi’s extreme politeness with the unhinged derelicts of SF yielded non-stop hijinx. Gigi navigated the ups and downs of this with grace. He went on to join us for trips to NYC, Colombia, and Europe. Here are some tales of the cross-pollination that occurs when Lyon and SF collide.

“We all noticed Gigi eating a dry ass sandwich with a knife and fork at the Hemway house. It seemed so French and we started laughing at him. He looked at us with his mouth full and said ‘what did I do?'”
-Kenny Hurd

“I saw him slowly wallride an 8 inch hole into an Eastern European wall. We had to fill it with rocks so he could keep trying.”
-Ty Beall

“We were testing some bootleg airpods we bought in Bogota. I put on Rio Da Yung OG for Gigi and he went crazy. ‘Free Rio my g!’ he kept saying for the rest of the trip.”
-Zack May

“No one told me he was staying in my room. I came home from a trip and there was a human I had never met before on my futon. He turned out to be a great roommate.”
-Dustin Eggeling

“He was thoughtful enough to buy a pair of Krebs Threads pants. Then he immediately sat in wax on some ledge and had to get them dry cleaned. After that, he pretty much wore them the rest of his trip. Also, we have the same birthday.”
-Roger Krebs

“We were skating with the squad in The Mission and Gigi innocently snapped a photo of some bugged-out dude on the street. The guy freaked out and unleashed his pitbull on us in retribution. As we were being chased down the street by the dude and his vicious dog, Gigi looked at me like ‘holy shit, is this really happening?’”
-Logan Matthews

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