13 minutes out of Florida from Alex Proeun and Alex Huy.
48 hours in Tampa with Neil Herrick and Adam Hadden, as seen in issue 73.
Matthew McCauley and friends from “Armonie,” A Floridian full length by Ryan Hodgdon.
David Jackson and crew present a full length out of Fort Walton Beach in the Florida panhandle.
A farewell to Florida’s Permission Skate Shop in the form of a full length video by Taylor Greenspan and Chris Jolly.
Griptape’s 2023 trip to Miami, featuring Mikey Payne, Mike Rosa, Ben Rothenhoeffer, Wayne Morrison, Jake Smith, Joel Meinholz, and more.
Another video installment from the Duplex crew out of Florida.
A full length from Westside Skateshop celebrating 25 years of holding it down for the Florida skateboarding community.
Orlando skateboarding by Ben Eubank for Dice of Life Co.
A full length homie video out of Truckee, CA featuring footage from all over the US.
Elijah’s issue 68 interview, discussing topics from skating in Miami to road tripping through America.