It’s a Saturday mourning 8:59am, Ki Realer and Jo Bo just arrived, and they left Philly at about 5am. Matt Fenell showed up about 3 minutes later from Maine and cracked what I believe was a Budweiser morning energy drink (testing to market). We were ready to rock, but the closet homies from mass, Brendan O’Connor and Mikey Poigiia showed up an hour and 45 minutes later”¦.
So the journey begins. It was a bright and sunshiny day, frogs where chirping and mosquitos biting; we had beers, lotto tickets and no weed. We stopped at some fun, some stupid and some great parks and spots on our way to the snake run. It’s pretty mystical, think of the jungles of Vietnam and Rambo and a concrete construct like a delicate monolith from Mars. It’s orgasmic, through in a dad on a quad taking pics of his fat son’s “sktn 4 s8n” tag and some cops firing bean bags of death. The journey was far and wet and dangerous, but all good things are right!!!
-John Cassandra