How has Wu-Tang changed your life?
I wouldn’t say Wu-Tang has necessarily changed my life, but it is nice knowing no matter what new bullshit may come out on the radio, I can always throw on Enter the 36 Chambers and be siked.
How did you start skating?
My little brother asked my cousin to borrow his board for a while. One day a bunch of my friends went down to the school to skate. I took that board, and ever since then I’ve been skating.

What do you know about hemp?
I don’t know much about hemp, but from what you tell me it’s really useful for a lot of different things. I’m down for the cause.
Who is homie, Kevin Winters?
He’s the filmer homie. He’s the sickest. I’ve yet to meet someone dedicated to skateboarding as him.
When did you get on NJ?
Probably like 2 years ago. It feels awesome to be part of such a sick shop. Steve and Chris are truly down for skateboarding. It’s sick.
Don’t you have a spot fixing kit with signs and bondo in your trunk?
You never know when you’re going to be coming up on a spot that may only be skateable with a sign, or a crack that needs to be bondoed. I’m just always trying to skate new spots, so stuff like this makes it easier.

Favorite trick in a pool?
I seen John do these layback 5-0s. That shit looks so crazy.
Most favorite skate spot?
The Trenton banks in downtown is my favorite spot for sure. Everything about that spot is sick. There’s mad opportunity to get creative.
Why won’t Kev make a video?
I was really hoping somebody could tell me. Kev really though, you should make a video.
Where are you from?
I was born in Toronto, Canada, but moved when I was one. After a couple of years of moving around, my parents settled down in Hopewell, New Jersey. That’s where I mainly grew up.
Last words?
A wise man whose name I forget once told me, “It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.”