
It’s been almost eight years since skatejawnvidjawn was premiered on a roof in Brooklyn. We decided now was a great time to re-release the video on our youtube and revisit it with Max Hull, the mastermind behind the full length. If you’ve never seen this video before, or just completely forgot it existed, this is a great reminder that our friends have been ripping for a long time. -Larry

What year did you start filming and when did the video come out?

Got my VX when I was 16 or 17, so must have been around 2006? The Skate Jawn video came out in July 2012, the summer I moved from Philly to NY and we premiered it on a roof.

Was this your first full length?

At this point I had already made Keepin It Reel, Drunkin Bronuts, Merchants of ill, and Meatpauls. All absolutely horrible names for videos. The Skate Jawn video is my favorite and the last full length I made. I think I gave it to the Jawn in order to save myself from another terrible name.

You grew up skating with some of the dudes in the video right?

A lot of them are the same cast and crew as my very first video, but during my time in Philly we picked up a few new guys.

Did you live at apt. 1403 in philly?

I did not, but I spent enough time there that I have it tattooed on my body.

Any memorable moments from that apartment you’d like to share?

Jesus that place was insane. Something that never really translates well when I try to tell people about it is the “smash room.” Every so often, when the pile of 40s would reach a sizable point, everyone would go down to the unfinished basement and just throw bottles at the wall while yelling smash room. Still sounds stupid as hell. It was really fun though. Also there were snowboarders that lived upstairs that were sponsored by redbull and they would always have crazy parties. The first Skate Jawn parties were in that apt after they left too. The first cover of Dylan arab money dropping off the fridge is in that apartment. Colin’s got some amazing photos of that time.

Is this the most footage Colin Sussingham’s ever had in a video?

He’s got a good amount in “meatpauls,” but probably. Colins got one of the best balanced nosegrinds.

You went on a few trips outside of Philly for the video, where were some of your favorites?

Probably the best road trip I’ve been on was during the filming of that video. Colin, Dylan, Matt V, Riot Chris and I went down to New Orleans and stopped at a whole bunch of southern cities on that trip. One of those trips where it was just a great crew with no solid plans and it all worked out somehow. We all got instagram on that trip, Matt V met Drake’s dad at the hotel we were staying at in Memphis, which also had live ducks parade through the lobby every Saturday morning or some shit.

Andrew got opener, Mitchell got ender, and Johnny almost has a full part. Who’s your favorite Wilson?

What a family! They’re all special in their own unique ways. Andrew gets better every time he skates, Johnny lowkey rips at skating as much as filming, but filming that part with Mitchell was something I’ll hold dear to my heart for the rest of my life.

Do you have a favorite part in the video?

I had a blast putting each part of that video together. I was hyped on the transition between Andrew to Conors part, the south philly bowl section was fun to make because I would go on these cold winter nights with Nik and Mitchell, but overall I gotta give it to Mitchell because I feel like his part came together as a really nice representation of him. The song, the slams, the spots. It was always exciting going out filming with him because you know he was gonna do something original, or slam super hard.

So this video came out around the 2 year anniversary for Skate Jawn. Did you ever think we’d make it to year 10?

I remember the day Marcus turned to me and said, “I think I’m gonna make a mag.” He continues to surprise me every day. 10 years man! Thats nuts!

Any good anecdotes on the early days of Jmarcus Wallstreet putting the mag together?

Before Marcus moved into 1403 everyone was very concerned about their new roommate’s views on smoking weed, “think he’ll be down?” Dude rolls in with 100 vhs tapes and proceeds to roll up on arrival.

You ever gonna make another full length?

Full lengths are like 10 minutes now and that’s still hard as fuck to pull off. Would be nice to get one more out there in the world though.

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