Simon Volpoet Interview

Photos by Benjamin Meunier

Where are you from? Where are these photos from?
Born and raised in north of France, a small beach town called Wimereux. I started skateboarding there with all the homies from all generations. We used to have a great local scene over there since the 80’s mixing small contests, shops, surfing, windsurfing, Belgians, English people, and music scene! Now it’s gone a bit down the coast. en I moved to Lille for my studies where I met the Zeropolis guys (the main skate shop in north of France) and from one skate project to another I met the Low Pro crew. Now I am based in Biarritz (South West of France) and actively move to meet the team and jump on projects. All the photos come from Benjamin Meunier, our main photographer.

Why were you in Madrid? Tell me about the trip.
We were in Madrid to start our new video project for Low Profile brand. What a trip… One week of rain and wind! But fuck it, we made it!

Tell me about Low Profile.
Low Profile is a brand created by Greg Tos. We all met thanks to the Lille scene and our deep love for
skateboarding and well made things! We are now ending our second video and more than happy about the things we all made together since the beginning, a bit more than a year ago! I don’t want to speak in Greg’s name but I think we all want to keep this project as a big and cool motivation to stay skateboarding as long as we can!

Do you skate for any other companies?
Not really, Luigi Gaydu helps me with some Converse shoes, and Ace Trucks but that’s it. And of
course, I’m still skating for Zeropolis Skateshop!

Had you been to Madrid/Spain before?
Yes, of course! Spain is not that far away when you live in France. Barcelona and South of Spain were my
first trips but I’m getting tired of those places. Madrid is way more a treasure to discover!

Any good stories from the trip?
Claro que si! Like a lot of starting brands, we are very low on budget so we spent eight nights in the cheapest hostel of the city. 10€/night, I’ll let you imagine how it is in a 20 person shared room. Farts, snores, smells, weirdos… But the best was our epileptic neighbor who made a crisis at three or four in the
morning falling into the metallic lockers… Also good ranking for the grandmother who fell in the hole of the bank to ledge spot we found! Last but not least, thanks to the 2€ pizza slices for our bellies!

Tell me about the video.
Next video will be a VX edit. As always, everyone will try to do his best to make it happen and to be proud of it. At this point, nothing is really determined but all I know is we can 100% trust our dear Greg!

How do you like Spain compared to France?
I think we are all pretty in love with France, but it’s a fact, Spain is cheaper and full of spots. Maybe unluckily, Spanish cops are not that friendly but one thing is sure, you should try it!

Is there anywhere you want to go on a skate trip that you haven’t been to yet?
New York City baby!

Describe your skateboarding in as few words as possible.

What kind of skateboarding gets you most hyped?
Everything that has this tiny well balanced extra thing get me hyped!

Have you been on any other good Low Profile trips recently?
Nothing since Madrid but as Greg and Ben are now Paris based, Paris missions are the next plan. We are questioning about an Eastern Europe summer trip by train and we also want to visit some friends in Annecy (French Alps).

Best skate trip you’ve been on?
Pretty sure it’s going to be the one in New York with you guys <3.

What’s the worst spot you went to in Madrid?
The worst does not exist, it’s all about controlled chaos!

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