What’s up boys! My first question is what everyone is probably wondering, how did you guys come up with shit4brainz?
(Soy) Charlie will give me a notebook from time to time and tell me to draw in it, to make stickers or whatever. I made some dude with shit on his head, and we decided we should do something with it.
(Charlie) It was a long time ago, like 2012 or something.
And what is 4×4?If I’m correct Doodootage was a prior video of yours, is this basically another Doodootage?
(Charlie) Kind of, but we really were just fucking around, this video we’re actually trying.
(Soy) Yeah I guess this video is what Doodootage was supposed to be, we got our act together in a way and we’re doing this shit. It’s pretty much done now. 4×4 is the name of the video, and it’s just all the homies.

What are you doing with shit4brainz?
(Charlie) We’ve been making some wax… Just your normal fake company shit. Shirts, stickers, doing the wax, hopefully some more shit in the future. We got some little bootleg shit going, we’re re-doing the old PWK cupcake wax.
(Soy) There was this old skateshop in south Florida that used to make this wax that kind of smelled like cupcakes, and it was shaped like a cupcake and everything.

Speaking of Florida, did you all grow up skating together, or how did this crew form?
(Charlie) We started skating a lot together when we were 19 or 20. Soy and his friend Fez wanted to do a video called Far Out so I gave him a bunch of footage of mutual friends and then we all started skating together and ended up making All For Now. We met Dylan (Sepe) along the way filming for that video, and Thomas I actually met up here in New York. We’ve all been skating for three or four years together.
So all four of you are from Florida, but all the footage is in New York? How long have you been filming for?
(Charlie) There might be a handful of Florida clips but mostly in New York. I took on filming duties, and I’m not a filmer, so I was figuring it out for a while. Probably close to four years total, but in the last year, and especially since Covid started, we’ve been skating a lot.
What are you guys filming with?
(Charlie) A TRV900, with a century optics mk2 baby death shit. It’s great, right now compared to the VX, you can get a whole thing for $300 while VX’s are over $1,000. They filmed Baker 3 on this shit!

Have you guys been stressing a deadline or anything?
(Soy) Living somewhere where it snows kind of puts a rush on things, but not really. We do want to put it out soon…
(Charlie) Hoping before the end of the year. Everybody’s parts are pretty much done. We’re just replacing stuff now.
Are you guys making DVDs?
(Charlie) We’re bootlegging the video onto color VHS tapes. We found that E.T. tapes are pretty cheap and they have this cool green bar on them so we’ve been searching thrift stores for E.T. tapes to print on. I’ve also gotten some other Nickelodeon tapes that are orange…
(Soy) I found a sick TOOL VHS, where the tape is all red, so that’ll be cool. We also all watch tons of VHS all the time so it just made sense. My living room looks like a Blockbuster.
I know there’s only the four of you guys, but who’s footage are you most stoked on, who’s been killing it the most?
(Charlie) Feels like recently all of us are going pretty hard, but I think some people might be surprised by Sepe’s part. He’s been doing work lately. But everyone’s going to have a solid part. Thomas goes out all the time, Soy’s been in huck mode recently. I’m filming the whole thing so if I want to skate something, I’m there anyways so I might as well do it.

Who’s the worst filmer for your part?
(Charlie) I mean, I’m usually skating with Thomas or Soy so they’re my main filmers. Dylan is probably the worst filmer. He nailed this one clip, but he’s bad. I think Soy is my go-to for not fucking up clips.
Why are you guys obsessed with the number 4?
(Soy) Well, I was at an Allman Brothers Festival that I would go to every year in Florida, at this forest camp. This one year I kept hearing everyone screaming “four!” “four!” all throughout the forest for three days. I didn’t know why, but then I finally realized it was just because of disc golf. But I just heard it for so long I kept repeating it, and then on the drive home we saw all these signs with 4 on them and it just stuck in our fried brains. So now it’s 4×4.