Where are you from?
I was born and raised in Long Island but I’ve been living in Baltimore for the past 10 years.
What’d you do today?
I had a field day at the school I work at so we were doin fun shit all day. My car is getting work on so I got a ride to the park after school. My brakes are fucked up and my rotors are fucked cuz I rode on them for too long.
Best part about working at a school?
The special Ed program at my school is really good, there’s just a lot of dedicated teachers at the school in general. I’m out by 2:30 everyday and I never have to work on the weekends haha.

How many times you break your wrist?
I think over 10. some of them were minor fractures so its probably not as many as I think. Ive had probably 11 or 12 wrist casts but I’ve probably only broken it 7 times.
Who got you into skating?
My cousin got me into skating, he only had one board so we were skating on it taking turns, then after that I just had to get one. Then I got the Christmas complete and built some ramps in my backyard
Worst day ever skating?
Probably the day I broke my leg at Ridge.

What happened?
I was just doing a trick on the hubba and I missed and jumped off of it, like every other try, but I extended my leg early, so when I came down my leg was completely straight and me knee just turned sideways.
That sounds horrible.
Yeah it was bad. I knew right away I wasn’t gonna be skating for a long time, which was the biggest bummer. I had to get a couple surgeries after that so it wasn’t fun.

Kickflip or heelflip?
I don’t know. I don’t know why, kickflips though.
Ok, why mrfooshoo?
I just thought of it one day when I was sitting with Tony (Massey). Fo sho, and then it went from there.
What do you like most about skateboarding in Baltimore?
There’s honestly so much to skate in Baltimore. I’m constantly seeing pictures and footage of new spots. There’s probably also so much shit that hasn’t even been skated yet.
Best trip you’ve ever been on?
I think my trip to Pittsburgh last year was one of my favorite trips.
Who went?
I went with my brother, Jason Bundy, Nick Drecchio, and Matt Bullinger. We didn’t know really where anything was, we just kinda went to Pittsburgh. Jason had been there one time I think, but other than that none of us had ever been there. We just kinda found out where some shit was and looked for stuff. We met up with Dakota Welty for a little and he showed us some cool stuff too.

What are you doing tonight?
I’m probably gonna skate for a bit, get some food, try to watch the Orioles game somewhere, I don’t really have any set plans.
Yeah definitely beer for sure.
What kind of beer?
Probably Natty Bo, maybe some Busch.
What’s going on with ridge?
I haven’t been there in a few days, the last time I was there, there were some dudes doing measurements and checking shit out. Word on the street is they’re making moves over there.
Any good Woodward stories?
Damn, there’s a lot. One time, there’s this bathroom of stalls connected to a cabin, and the cabins overlap the bathroom stalls, and I remember kids would be taking shits and there would be kids above them in their cabin, and they make a hole in the ceiling and pour juice onto kids taking shits. Kids do all type of weird shit there. They make a bunch of different combinations with blood and puke and shit.
Biggest pet peeve in skateboarding?
That’s a toughie. Kids that try too hard is pretty bad. Also headphones, take that shit out and join the session. If you got headphones in you aren’t in the sesh.
Wanna shout anyone out?
I wanna shout out my parents and my friends, and the whole Vu squad, Gary Smith, Skate Jawn, skateboarding, I guess that’s it.