Interview by John Mcguire.
Photos by Bradford Bishop.

What’s the story behind the term juke?
It was a joke from when I used the word trying to describe a crappy curb-cut bump.
You were very ahead of the curve living and skating in Barcelona. What can you share from your experience? Compare or contrast to the US.
I went to Barcelona to learn Spanish and skate for a few months. I got a job teaching English and ended up staying illegally for about three years. It was definitely humbling to live in a foreign country and use a different language on a daily basis. In the US it seems less common to have the accessibility to get stoked on learning new languages.
What skaters local or international have gotten you fired up and inspired the last couple of years?
Oski and Heitor are fun to watch. Same with Magnus, Ibu, and Alex Richard. As for local, I’m definitely fired up about everyone in the crew for their own uniqueness. Gabe Chan and Nick Mistele are heavy inspirations for sure.
You work for a local coffee shop manufacturer. Can you make a solid argument why people should support local businesses?
They will let you build ramps in the garage, it’s a chill work environment, and they are super easy to talk to about anything.
I heard you’re a fan of mini vans. Any thoughts on the van life?
Yes I am, and an infinite thank you to you, John McGuire, for basically giving me that magical Toyota Sienna ’97 chariot. That thing has logged many miles with many skaters and is still purring. It’s an honor to drive. You can sleep in them, you can move stuff with them, and you can travel around and skate with your buddies.
Any hidden talents?
I was an actor in a TV series called Shangri-La.

Five things people need to know about Milwaukee.
1.) It’s a hidden gem for skating.
2.) was one of the first-ever skateboarding websites.
3.) You can surf the lake here.
4.) You can completely detach from the city down by the river.
5.) Steny’s may have the city’s best Bloody Mary.
What’s something you could share with the younger generation of skaters?
You’ll meet the best people through skating, and the number of things to learn on a skateboard are infinite.
What does the future look like for Sean Hanley?
5 years: Figuring out how to be a dad. 25 years: Skating more transition, playing music. 50 years: Reminiscing, learning something.
Lutzka or Muska?
Muska, no dis to Lutz though.
Cryptocurrency or NFTs?
In on crypto.
Waffles or waffle soles?
Both but differently.

Frontside or backside?
Aztec calendar or Chinese calendar?
Chinese Calendar.
A word that rhymes with orange?
More ganj.
Delta variant or Omicron?
Both a big bummer.
Gluten free or extra MSG?
Extra gluten.
Time travel: past or future?
Future to see where we’re at.
Virtual or IRL?
Virtual and then IRL.
Skate and destroy? Or skate and create?
Skate and destroy cause you’re still creating.
Email or snail mail?
Snail mail is more thoughtful.
Super spreader events or super shredder events?
Watch a super shredder event.

Nope or dope: Vaping.
Sometimes dope.
Never tried but dope.
Boy Bands.
Dope for them probably.
Very dope.
Dope if they work.
Video games.
Hell no.
Thank You’s?
Family, friends, girlfriend, Beer City, Huh, Open Sesame, Phase 2, Sky High, Cream City, the DIYs, HeyHo!, Moana Skate & Surf Camp, Kronz, Anodyne, Wiskate, skateboarding.