Do you like robots?
The robots that make our lives less tedious are fantastic. Robots that mimic humans or animals seems like it defeats the purpose of designing a robot in the first place.
Nice, are you human?
The probability is low if you ask people that read up on multiverse theory, so I’ll align my answer with their’s. Probably not.
Some people say the way you skate is inhumane, with no regard to the physical limits of a normal person or their egos that disintegrate when they realize that your skating exists. What’s your opinion of that opinion?
I wish those people could understand that I probably couldn’t do half the technical stuff they can do. I don’t enjoy humbling someone unless their ego is putting others down.

How’s the new job?
I’ve been working at Abracon as an electrical engineer for two years now, but I finally switched in January to full-time. Thankfully, I have a lot more time and money to put into skating and research.
What do you do there and what does that even mean?
I’m an Associate Product Engineer for precision oscillators and real-time clocks (RTCs). Basically, I work with quartz rocks that filter out a specific frequency to clock circuits and keep track of time. If you’re interested, look up “crystal oscillator” on Wikipedia.
That’s wild. What’s a normal day look like for you these days?
Monday-Friday: 6:30am Wake up. 7:00am Work. 12:00pm Reasearch and lunch. 1:00pm Work. 4:00pm Skate/Research/Game/Anime/Girlfriend time. 10:00-11:00pm Sleep.
Saturday/Sunday: 7:00am Research/update the Roger site/coffee/girlfriend time. 10:00am skate or hang out at No-Comply. 7:00pm research/update the Roger site/coffee/girlfriend time.

Are you living a perpetual groundhog day that acquiesces to the current climates? Socially, politically, and weatherly?
No idea what this means, but my dumb answers are incoming. Socially: I suck at socializing. Politically: I don’t trust people in suits. Weatherly: I acknowledge climate change’s existence.
Bravo, what can we expect next from you?
Another part and more trips after this disease stuff goes away. I need to get back to Japan asap.
Will you be engineering any androids anytime soon?
Hell no. I’m sticking to my FPGAs and neural network/deep learning acceleration circuits.

If you were to choose between being a hard flip frontside grab down the nine stair or a frontside grab out of a fifteen foot noseblunt on a ledge which would you be?
Can’t go wrong with a wretched stink bug fakie out of a 15ft noseblunt.
Me too, whew…it’s like we’re friends or something. Tell us three things you think every person you’ll ever meet should know about you.
I’m a nerd. I love finding contradictions to people’s maxims. I’m the most self-critical person you’ll meet.
Very interesting, has anybody ever told you that before?
The first one, definitely.
Do you tell people things often or are you more of a listener?
I think not. I’m more of a listener.
What’s that video part you’re working on about?
It’ll be out soon enough. I’ve been stacking all year for a few projects.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank or give a shoutout too? For the love?
I don’t want to leave anyone out, so you know who you are. If I smile when I see you, you mean so much more to me than you think.
Can you leave us with some words of wisdom?
Do stuff that nobody else wants to do but things that people still appreciate.