Interview by Zach Moeller.
Photos by Elias Parise.

What’s up Richie?
Yeah, I just got out of work. I’ve been there since 7am.
What are you doing for a job?
I work at Adorama. I manage a used photography indexing department. We buy any photography or video equipment and I check the grading on it, seeing what condition it’s in cosmetically. It’s a fucking weird job.
What’s the work schedule like? Can you skate much?
I get out by 4pm Monday through Thursday and Fridays I’m out by 11:30am. I never have to work weekends.

What part of New Jersey are you from?
I’m from Carteret. Where I grew up it’s pretty industrial. It’s right on the other side of Staten Island. It’s basically another toxic waste dump, but it’s cool living over there. There’s a lot of cool different things to find. It’s different than most parts of Jersey.
Is Fred Gall your dad?
Pretty much haha. He kind of took over that role when I was like 10 years old and started bringing me on skate missions.
How’d you first link up with him?
He owned Domestics near where I grew up and I met him through that. I’ve known him ever since.

Any good stories from the days of riding around with him in his station wagon?
Ah dude there’s so many. He always took great care of me. I remember there was one time where he brought me home pretty late. We were skating Bud Banks, it’s this euro gap spot down in South Jersey. I think I was 11 years old. We were there until 1:30 or 2 in the morning. I just remember him bringing me to the Taco Bell drive-through as a little ass kid. It’s pretty funny, he got me a nice little happy meal haha.
How old were you when you started skating?
I think I got my first board in ‘99, so around that time is when I started messing around.
Tell me about your cat.
My cat’s name is Lottie. She’s this disabled cat with three legs. She’s cool as hell. I’ve had her for about 8 months now. She’s about to be three.

You put in work with Brandon Stepanow for his two full lengths, Open Container and Sportsmanshit. How did you first meet him and what’s it like filming together?
Thank you so much! I met him through a good friend of mine Tony, he kind of grew up near where Brandon lived. I met up with them one day in Newark and we were skating this bank to wall under this bridge. Ever since then me and Brandon have clicked really well. We have a great time. Just having fun doing what we’re doing, going on missions all the time. He brings a good vibe to everything.
How often do you leave Jersey?
Honestly I barely go on trips right now because of work. I need to build up PTO. I have been leaving almost every weekend though to go to the city to meet up with Brandon before the deadline for Open Container. That’s where everybody was.
Is it true that you roomed with Jaws on an IPATH trip?
That is true. I roomed with Ben Raybourn, Jaws, and Ryan Reyes. They were sick.

What was that like?
They picked me up in Jersey and went down to Kinetic Skateshop in Delaware. I got a quick ride to Philly with them. I was 15 at the time and my mom actually let me skip school, which was kind of sick. It was a good trip. Me and Ben were hanging out at Denny’s in Philly until like 3 in the morning. I remember eating spaghetti or something haha.
Do you wish that IPATH was still around?
Dude definitely. Those were the sickest shoes! Hands down.
What was it like being around for the full lifespan of Jody’s Spot?
My favorite memories were getting calls from Fred around 7 in the morning being like, “Hey man, there’s about 100 pieces of cobblestone sitting on the side of the train tracks. Can you go move them? I’m doing another run right now.” I’d basically have to get right out of bed and start moving pieces of cobblestone over train tracks every morning haha. It was pretty cool. It was funny but it was also a lot of work. That whole spot was the best time I’ve had honestly. I grew up under that bridge haha.

Talk to me about skating the Green Monster with Fred in Newark.
He went there like 10 more times than I have. I went there about five times, loading up the van and hiking out there at the worst timing, every time. We usually only had about an hour span before the security guard kicked us out. Fred put in so much work for that. Everything was amazing. That whole vibe was great. We were just fueling off of each other and getting psyched, listening to “Pull the Plug” by DEATH on repeat.
What’s the scariest moment you’ve had on a skateboard?
Fuck, I’m trying to think right now. I don’t know, I kind of black out when I skate. Usually when I’m up on something high I can get nervous.
How much sugar do you put in your coffee?
I usually do five packs every morning at 7. I need to get wired up for the morning haha.
Which video part has been the most inspiring to you?
Steve Durante in Inhabitants was alway one of my favorites. Steve Durante fucking rules.
Any good Bond Street stories?
Club ATM, we hung out at that ATM a lot and made a lot of good friends because that thing was bright as hell and you could actually see people’s faces from it.

If you could give your 10 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Definitely don’t just follow what everyone else is doing. Do your own thing and be fucking pysched on everything you do.
Do you think you’ll ever move to a different state?
I think I’m here for life. You have everything you need. You got the city 45 minutes away, Philly’s about an hour and 20, and then you’ve got the beach 30 minutes away too. You got the best of all worlds here.
Let’s wrap this thing up. Any shout outs?
Shout out to my parents, Fred Gall, Lou Metal, Josh at Travel, Steve Lenardo at NJ, everyone that helped at Jody’s Spot, and all the homies!