What have you been up to today?
Today I went to a doctor’s appointment because my knee has been killing me for months. He basically said I have to get some arch supports. What I gathered from that appointment is I’m old and you just break down. C’est la vie as the French say. I’m also writing this in a hospital waiting room to visit a friend. Piece of advice, tell your people that you love them everyday and let go of all bullshit grudges and forgive people. We only have a certain amount of time, and that time is precious. Don’t waste it.
Did the response to the BA video surprise you?
I was a bit surprised by the response from the BA piece. It’s not everyday that you get to make something that impacts someone’s life in a positive way. The best part about it was to see everyone in skateboarding rally behind him and say ‘we love you and we don’t care.’ Jim Thiebaud has always said that when skateboarders come together there is nothing we can’t do. I believe that fully, and it’s great to see where BA is today and I’m happy he is being his true self. It’s a special thing.

How did you start taking skate photos?
I started taking skate photos because it was the one thing I was most interested in. Way back when I was a kid, I remember always reading the names on the sides of photos in skate mags. And I thought how cool it was that these guys rolled around with skaters and shot photos. I loved the different angles and the fisheye, and how rad skateboarding looked. Nothing is harder to shoot than skateboarding. If you can shoot skating you have a leg up on a lot of people.
How much do you travel these days? How many months of the year are you gone?
I pretty much travel every month, I’m between LA and my hometown of NYC. I have different work in both places. I love NYC and LA equally. People try and compare them, but you can’t. It’s literally apples and oranges. I spend most of my time in LA because I have a daughter and she’s here, but my friends and family are still in NYC. My parents still live in Brooklyn in the same house they brought me home to 46 years ago. I’ve also been going on a few Alltimers trips here and there. I love those guys and what they’re doing. Zered has been a close friend since we met when he was 16. We’ll see how the rest of the year shakes out though. Why, anyone wanna go in on a trip? I’m in!

How is studio photography different than in the streets?
Studio photography is different as in everything is controlled, you don’t get kicked out and you’re not at the bottom of some steps laying in dirt and piss while your friend throws their skateboard at you. Also, with portraits, you don’t have the environment around you to add to the feel of the photo. In studio you have to make your subject give a feeling to the camera. It’s more of an intimate setting and it’s you and your subject, so getting some truth can be trickier. I like the studio setting because I’ve spent so much time in the streets. It’s a rad change of pace.
Do you get to travel or go to cool events working for non-skate companies?
I’ve gone to a few cool places shooting for some non-skate stuff. Nothing very exotic yet, but time will tell where and when that goes down. I’ve been to a few sections of the country that I had never been to which was cool. I went up to Northern California about an hour and a half north of SF called Timber Cove. Really nice rocky coastlines and beautiful state parks. Far from my normal city dwelling experience that I love. It was really great.

Can you tell me anything about filming Chomp on This?
Filming Chomp on This was a lot of fun. Granted, most of my footage is acting like a huge jackass, almost fighting people and choking one of my close friends (sorry Todd!) The guy in the park put his hands up to me like he was gonna hit hit me, if he didn’t do that I don’t think it would have escalated. Being older now, as that was over 20 years ago, you don’t need to get in any physical altercation with anyone. It’s gonna end bad no matter what.
You worked on a music video recently, was that a first?
I did just do a music video, and it was my third. They’re fun to make because musicians, like any artist, enjoy thinking outside the box and making something rad. I really love to collaborate with people so music videos are perfect for that.

You have worked with RB a lot, why do you like working with him?
I’ve been working with RB since the ’90s. He’s one of my best friends and I’ve been to his parents’ house in Houston where they’d make me sing Filipino songs to them and their family! I know a few Filipino songs. I used to work with a guy in a pet store who taught them to me. Yeah, a pet store! RB is my first for any film stuff I’m working on, he’s great at what he does, we have a conversation of what I’m looking for, and he puts his twist on it and it always comes out amazing. Besides, can you tell me something better than working with your best friends?

First photo in a magazine?
My first photo in a mag was probably around ’94/’95 of Kyle James doing a switch tailslide on the bench at the South St. Seaport. They gave me $60 for it, I called up the mag and asked if it was a mistake to pay me all that money. Seeing that photo for the first time was the moment in my life I knew I was on the right path.
When did you first meet Daewon?
I officially met Daewon in the early 2000’s through Tim Gavin. We got along instantly and the things I’ve seen him do are mind blowing. There was so many times I said let’s shoot a trick he was doing and he said it was weak! I would talk to Dae about the earlier days in all those World videos, and during all the picnic table stacking days. I always knew we’d get along, cause when he had that fresh fade, those acid washed jeans, and white leather sneakers. I loved how guido he looked!

Longest skate trip?
My longest skate trip would be a Europe trip I took. I was out there for about five weeks. Going from one trip to another. Those were great days. Just go skate, shoot photos, and see what happens. Some of the best days of my life.
Last time you focused a flash?
The last time I focused a flash would have to be around 2004-’05 in Australia. I have low tolerance for frustration, but when my kid came along I mellowed out.
You’ve never smoked weed?
I never smoked weed, or drank in my life. I don’t judge anyone who does and a lot of my friends do. So do your thing! It’s just not for me.

Hardest skater to meet up with?
Every skater can be hard to link up with, but the hardest? I’m not sure. Everyone has their moments when they don’t wanna shoot. As easy as it could be to get up with someone one day, it could be the hardest the next. Maybe Guy? He never answers his texts or phone. But when he’s on it, it would be non-stop just go!
Any new photogs you’ve seen that you’re hyped on?
I really like Sam Mueller a lot. I think he’s my favorite newer photographer out now. I think that kid Zander in NYC is great too. Also that kid from Florida that shoots for DC is really good. But my favs are Mike Blabac, Gabe Morford, Atiba, Ben Colen, and Mike O’Meally. Also non-skate would be Joe Pug, and I can go on but I won’t.