This is the Soul Bowl. Many thanks to all the dudes that helped make this thing possible… First and foremost thanks to the 5.9 Crew for donating their time, knowledge, and skill. Iggy and Will are the dudes who kept the fire burning. If you ever see them, buy them some beer please. Major thanks to the dudes and dudettes who hold down the house…Max, Pat, Nat, Joe, Meredith, Levy, J-Hon, Duncan, and the one and only bowl troll, Fritz Mead. I no longer live there, but I still consider this place to be my home. Much love to everyone who has come through to skate, chill, and grill. Thanks to the grillmaster P-Stone for building us a kick-ass grill piece. Come and skate while this thing lasts, our landlord hasn’t found out about it yet, so who knows what the future holds. To all of those I forgot to mention, thank you! Skate Jawn for life.