You ever build something with a group of homies? Shit is fun as hell! We built this ramp last summer. One day my friend Chris mentioned he was redoing his old ramp. I really didn’t think much of it. Sure enough, I roll to his house a day or two later and Chris and his friend Scott have this masterpiece of a ramp framed out. Within the next couple days, a flatbed truck from Montana dropped off a shit load of skatelite. It was on! The ramp took us a couple more days to “finish.”

Anybody who skateboards knows that time…Well time really isn’t of the essence. So even though the ramp isn’t 100% done, it’s done enough haha. We’ll finish it up one day…maybe. At the end of the day, I gotta give the credit where the credit is due. This is Chris and Scott’s creation. I just swung a hammer here and hauled some scraps there. But looking back on things, I’m just psyched to have been a part of it.- Sloan