Pushing Plywood

Zac Curran-Wallie 5-0 P. Travis Knapp-Prasek
Zac Curran-Wallie 5-0 P. Travis Knapp-Prasek

Pushing Plywood is a collection of of homies, companies, and hoodlums based in San Francisco that skateboard for the love of skateboarding, putting out monthly edits showcasing all the simple pleasures that come along with skating with the homies. “It’s about you and your crew fully enjoying the act of killing time and dodging life’s requirements/standards through the act of pushing around on a piece of wood.” Says Travis Knapp-Prasek, the resident photographer/wanderer of the group.

Mark Nicholson, Noseblunt Poto – Ian Brunkow
Travis Knapp-Prasek-BS Noseblunt P. Ian Brunkow
Travis Knapp-Prasek-BS Noseblunt P. Ian Brunkow

The monthly edits are around 6-8 minutes long and drop within the first week of every month on their youtube channel and are viewed coast to coast and worldwide. The vibe you get from watching these clips is the fun we so easily forget skateboarding can be. Thus the motto “keep pushing.” There’s footage of anyone that wants to get in front of one of the many cameras they have roaming the four corners of the bay daily.

Ian Brunkow-FS Flip P. Travis Knapp-Prasek
Ian Brunkow-FS Flip P. Travis Knapp-Prasek
Eden Powers-Switch 180 nosegrind P. Travis Knapp-Prasek
Eden Powers-Switch 180 nosegrind P. Travis Knapp-Prasek

Each month the crew gets bigger and the tricks get gnarlier. The movement is only enhanced through their affiliates Leftside Skateboards and Swarmlife.net. “Skateboarding is a gnarly, beautiful thing.” Says Ron Rodriguez, the mastermind/editor of Pushing Plywood.

Ron Rodriguez-FS180 P. Martin Kleiner
Ron Rodriguez-FS180 P. Martin Kleiner
Steve Dombrowski-BS Smith P. Ian Brunkow
Steve Dombrowski-BS Smith P. Ian Brunkow

Ron is a strong supporter of community, skateboarding, and music and his edits combine these sensations perfectly. “Pushing Plywood, to me is the universal bond that we all share. It is the connection that makes us brothers and sisters. You can push plywood all over the world and not speak another language but you have this universal bond with anyone who rides and is down for life.

Steve Dombrowski-Blunt Revert P. Travis Knapp-Prasek
Steve Dombrowski-Blunt Revert P. Travis Knapp-Prasek
Zac Curran-Ooped BS 180 P. Travis Knapp-Prasek
Zac Curran-Ooped BS 180 P. Travis Knapp-Prasek

Shout out to my Skulls MCR crew. Check out Joe Gavin, FL crew, and SF fam.” Expect a lot of great things to come from this ever-expanding crew, and stay up to date on their Facebook page for each months drop! and remember kiddies, KEEP PUSHING!

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