The Pablo Ramirez Foundation and Brooklyn Skate Garden teamed up with the Harold Hunter Foundation and NikeLab to host the third Golconda Skatepark cleanup which happened this past Friday, August the 14th.
With Loren Michelle, Pablo “P-Splifff” Ramirez’s mother and founder of the BSG, beginning the group clean up with an introduction speech, everyone was briefly educated on the goals of the day and what future possibilities could come for the Brooklyn skate community when they work together.

After introductions, everyone was ready to grab a broom or a shovel and start cleaning and clearing. The park got swept, the sewer covers got unplugged, and the planter section near the small bowl even got de-weeded and cleared of random skateboard debris.
Once the park was looking better, everyone gathered around the planter to discuss what they learned from the day’s events. After a few people stepped forward and spoke about their experience helping out, Loren gave them an envelope with seeds and the revered P-Splifff poem attached as a reminder to “plant seeds” in the community.

Jeggi Elinzano from Nikelab helped organize the event with the BSG and HHF, providing a few pizzas and water for everyone who came out to help.
As the event found itself winding down, the kids at the park found themselves getting hyped up with an impromptu session on the eight stair. A few kids hucked and a few kids got hucked, but at the end of the day at least the ground they slammed on was a little cleaner from the day’s efforts.

If you’re interested in helping out at the next foundation event, or want to sign the petition to help with the skate garden in Prospect Park then click on the link below :
Skate Park Petition –
PABLO Foundation-