What’re we up to right now?
Not much. Tried to skate, rained, hung out at Uprise.
I interviewed you last year and you were finishing up filming your Pavement part with your brother Blake. What have you been up to since then?
Basically just really enjoying a lot of the same, skating, and filming. Worked on this intro part for Huf that just came out pretty recently.
And you’ve gotten to travel out of the country for the first time?
Yeah, I got to go to Puerto Rico and then Japan with Huf.

Leaving the country for the first time can be hectic and trippy, how was it?
It was fine. I adapted and had fun skating and all that. Puerto Rico was mellow, but in Japan I don’t think my jet lag went away until the day we left. I’ve never experienced a big time difference like that.
Who was all on that Japan trip?
Justin Drysen, Caleb McNeely, Mason Silva, and Tyler Cichy filming. Nice little mellow crew.

Skating can be a bust in a lot of parts of Japan. Any bad run-ins with security or cops?
Well we weren’t really in Japan as a priority to skate street more so premiering the Puerto Rico/Mason intro vid. We skated in Osaka a bit, and yeah it was a quick bust but nothing gnarly or anything.
Kinda sucks that once you finally get to travel we’re currently dealing with this Corona Virus.
Yeah, Huf has been hooking it up with the trips. We were supposed to go to Milan soon, but that trip is now cancelled because of the virus.
So were you tripping? Afraid of getting infected?
Ehh.. I guess fuck it, wash your hands, and try not to think about it too much. I don’t know how I feel about it yet, we’ll see in the weeks to come.

Welp as sketchy as it is this was during winter in Chicago, so nice to escape the cold at least?
Yes, but I spent a lot of winter in LA too when not traveling other places.
Do you even like skating in LA or just fleeing winter?
I have the most fun skating in Chicago for whatever reason, all my friends are here. But I’m obviously down to skate wherever.
Who do you mostly skate with?
My brother Blake, Brett Weinstein, Timothy Johnson.
So with the virus putting traveling to somewhat of a halt and just getting back from LA a few days ago, what are your upcoming plans?
Going to continue living in the Chicagoland area, kick it with friends, and a lot of skating since the weather is starting to get better. I’d like to travel some more but with Corona we’ll see.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?
Yeah, I’m down to just stay here if need be.
I mean you’ve filmed two parts in less than a year mostly in Chicago so it’s gotta be working for ya.
It’s just not as blown out as other cities, obviously way less than anything in California. We’re still finding spots all the time. Even the most popular spot here, only so much has been done. Plus I just think stuff here looks cooler, more obscure. It’s the best but still low-key.
What is a blown/played out spot that you’ll always still like no matter what?
Hmmm, I’m sure there’s a bunch, but I’d say LA High. It’s classic.
As a kid growing up in the Chicagoland area, who did you look up to?
Definitely Marisa Dal Santo, Steve Purdue, Andy Sisomboune, and Dave Ruta.

Nice, that about wraps it up. Thanks and praise?
Ugh, I always feel like shout-outs are kind of cheesy or corny or whatever. Plus there’s just like a ton of people that have helped me out, so I’m just gonna be forgetting a bunch. I guess I’ll just say my family, friends, Uprise crew, everyone who hooks me up, and so many more.
Lastly, I’ve seen this in the comments and a few people have asked me: Why do you look so pissed when you’re skating?
Haha, I don’t know. I can’t help what my face looks like when I skate. I’m not mad, I just have resting pissed face.