Where’d you skate today?
Checked out West Philly. Tried to find that spot, couldn’t find it. Tried to skate Muni for a bit but got kicked out in like 10 minutes, then scoped out some spots in the gayborhood and near Jefferson Hospital. Then that shitty chain into the bank spot where Geiger did the back 50 back tail. We were kinda all over today. It was a good day though, everyone got some shit.
How long have you been skating?
I wanna say 2001, since I was like six or seven. A while.
How many complete skateboards do you think you’ve lost?
Definitely a couple. I think I left one at a spot around my neighborhood one time when I was really young. I went back for it and it was gone. So that’s one. I definitely lost one in the water too. There was some spot, it was like a fountain, it just went in and was gone.
[Landlord John] Yo Noah wants to use the goat horns for a headdress.
Ha word ask Mitchell.
What’s the sickest road trip you’ve ever been on?
That’s a good one. These guys would know too, pretty much every sick trip I’ve been on has been either with Giorgio, or Jake, or both. We’re always trying to go to spots and things. Pittsburgh is definitely always rad, North Carolina was cool as fuck the first time.

So where are you from?
Originally from New Hampshire, but I moved to outside of Philly when I was five or so, before I started skating.
You see Static 4?
Yea, went to the premiere in Philly, and it was really good. I knew it was gonna be good, but it really was like everything I expected and more. First of all, his style of editing is always really awesome and then just the little things they did in the video, like the clock noise and shit, was a cool way to open it. And all the parts were so sick.

Filming any shit right now?
Yea, well we’ve been working on this video called Standard Definition for a while. Matt Steindl is filming it, and Jake and I have been working on that for probably like two years. And then Jake’s working on the Kinetic video, might have a section in there.
What trick are you worst at?
Nollie flip, and switch flip for sure, but definitely nollie flip over switch flip.

I don’t know man, switch frontside…OK well first of all, I don’t have like an amazing bag of flip tricks. Like I can do flip tricks for sure, but I don’t know…My flat ground game is like, it’s good enough, I guess. I just never really learned to nollie flip cause it was really hard for me to figure out how to do it when I was younger, so I was like fuck it, I’m just not gonna do it. I’ve tried to do it over the years, people have tried to fuckin teach me how to nollie flip, but…

Does weed help you skate?
Sometimes, circumstance depending.
What’s the biggest contest you’ve ever skated?
Probably that Arizona trip we went on for that contest. Went to the Sayerville Volcom wild in the parks, remember that? Most of us qualified to go to the finals, so we were like, fuck it let’s go to Arizona and skate this contest. We went for a couple days, but I ate it so bad. You remember that Jake? It was retarded, I wasn’t warmed up as I normally would be to try something like this, it’s like this ten stair rail, not really proportional at all. It sucks, and I was like fuck it, I’m gonna try to fs bigspin boardslide down it. I got into it and slid a couple times, so I was like, alright I’m gonna do it. And I just fuckin died on the rail. Pretty sure I sacked like the inside of my thigh, something was really swollen I remember. I just laid down outside the park, and then just went to the hotel room, and was icing my shit.
Ever make a ramp or spot or anything?
Definitely when I was younger, me and my dad used to build all types of ramps in my backyard.
Not even, just like crazy shit we thought of. The one that was there longest was a 6 foot drop-in, then barely any flat, then it went right to a ramp, then a flat, and then a landing ramp, and then like another quarter pipe to go up. You’d basically hit it kinda like a ski jump, and I was just like doing that shit, jumping off the side of it. It was made out of particle board and it was like two feet wide, the whole thing.

You ever try filming, or taking photos or anything?
Yeah I used to film a lot. I still have my VX. I sold my fisheye to Jake. I still film long lens sometimes. I filmed a clip of a kid the other day. I can show it to you. We screen capt’d it on my phone. The homie who I had just met, Johnathan Fletchas, he did it, he’s a filmer from Florida, we skated with in N.Y. a couple days ago. But yea he no comply’d this bump to bar and it’s fuckin sick. I miss filming, I wish I filmed more. I was working on a video with a few people, and then Jake was working on something too, a couple years ago, eventually we realized like we’re just filming the same people why don’t we combine the footage into one video and that was Fully Flaccid.
Is it ever ok to steal?
Generally no. I don’t steal. I’ve never been about shoplifting, or really stealing anything. I don’t know, if you had to steal for like the well being of yourself or the people you care about, then yea, depending on what it is, it’d be cool. But I’ve never got down with it.
What if it was like the government, or like a township sign, or like a barrier to skate a spot, or like a cone or some shit?
Well normally I wouldn’t do that. I don’t really like to bring extra stuff to the spot to skate it. I like to skate it for what it is, for the most part.