Where do you work?
I’ve been working at a small granola factory in Greenfield, MA for the past seven years, 40+ hours a week.
Are you from here? Have you ever left the area before?
I was born in Massachusetts, I’ve lived here my whole life, but skateboarding has brought me all over the country. I’ve been to San Francisco twice (which was rad as fuck) and all over the East Coast. Traveling is the shit, I wish I had more time to do it. I live in a small town in Western Massachusetts so it’s really tough to get yourself out there. Jim Gagne is the only one to come from this shithole called Greenfield.
Are you a “soul skater” like me, or just lazy (they are actually the same thing)?
I skate for fun, plain and simple…And it makes my soul feel good so I guess I am? As for being lazy I guess it varies day to day. I try to stay productive.

You seem smarter than a lot of people. Are you? Or are you just smart enough to keep your mouth shut?
I feel like I have a decent advantage, I’ve eaten a lot of smart food in my life. Don’t tell my secret! Nah I’m lying and I’m gonna shut my mouth now.
What does Nate Jackson do every day?
Weekdays consist of working 9-5 everyday haulin’ oats. After work, I usually just chill with my beautiful girlfriend and watch movies. I don’t get to skate during the week very often. Weekends I pretty much skate and drink coffee.
Do children look up to you as a role model or cower in fear at the sight of your face?
Maybe a little bit of both I guess. It may be a natural reaction for children to have fear…I am a Jackson. Sorry, I can’t resist a good MJ joke.

Would you submit to a makeover if it meant I could get you boards flowed because of said makeover? I would get you some tight pants and bracelets because that’s hot right now.
I’m a little old to be changing my style for anyone. Just kidding, I’m desperate and I’ll do anything. Not sure if I’m joking.
If we were on tour and I took you to a nice restaurant, would you know what to do? Like with your napkin and forks and stuff?
Of course dude! I’d use the utensils to eat with and the napkin to wipe my damn face. Easy.
Are you uncomfortable right now? Why?
Yeah. My nuts itch.

Do you see a therapist? I see a therapist.
No, I’ve never seen a therapist. I was told that I needed to see one, but that bitch was crazy so I wouldn’t take her word.
Keep up the good work Nate, I’m proud of you.