Interview and photos by Ben Hull.

Where you at right now?
Tampa, Florida.
You’re from Brazil?
I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Any big differences moving from Brazil to the USA?
For me it was a big culture change, I spoke no English at the time. But everyone was really nice to me which made me want to be around more and try my best to adapt.

What brought you to Philly?
Initially, I didn’t know I was coming to Philly. Things happened so fast. One day my family decided they wanted to move to the US. Of course, I was really happy about it, but at first I didn’t really believe them. And then the next thing you know we’re here. They had a couple of friends in Northeast Philly so that’s where we moved.
How did you learn English?
I tried a bunch of different things, movies, online classes, apps. Mostly going to spots and meeting with people. At first, it was very uncomfortable for me but I met ome good people in my circle that always looked out.

Ever read skate magazines to help?
Oh, I tried! At first, I could not understand a thing as you can imagine. But little by little, always staying consistent, I got there. Working on reading and writing helped me big time.
What’s your skate set up at the moment?
Board: Theories Brand – 8.25. Trucks: Independent – 149. Wheels: Dialtone 52. Bearings: Bones.
How did we meet?
When I moved to Philadelphia in 2015 I kept coming to the city. Then one day Nick Bradian approached me and asked who I was. I started hanging out with you guys and immediately shooting photos.

What kind of stuff do you like to skate?
Honestly, I will skate anything. Gaps, rails, stairs, bowls, but there’s nothing like a good city ledge.
How’s a skate park ledge different than a city ledge?
Technically they’re not different but depending on which city you’re from, there’s always a cool history behind the main spot in town. Sao Paulo has Vale do Anhangabau, Philly had Love Park and now Muni.

What do you do when you’re not skating?
When I’m not skating I like to exercise, eat healthy, travel, snowboard, and do things that you don’t normally do when you’re only focused on skating. I’m also a Fine Paints of Europe certified painter. When I’m not skating I’m usually working on a cool painting project in Pennsylvania or Florida. I really like anything that involves working with my hands. Seeing the results of your hard work is very satisfying. I also love anything that involves traveling to new places.
Who are some of the Brazilian and American skaters that inspire you the most?
Brazilians definitely Rodrigo TX, Adelmo Jr., Alex Carolino, Tiago Lemos. Americans, so many good ones. Joey O’Brien, Jahmir Brown, Kevin Bilyeu, Kevin Liedtke, Dylan Sourbeer, John Shanahan, Tom Asta.
What happened to your knee?
In 2019 I was filming with a buddy of mine in Myrtle Beach, I ended up getting hurt on an out rail. ACL, MCL, and meniscus tear. It was a major setback for me at the time because since the age of 10 I’ve been chasing the skate dream.

How has recovery been?
It’s been a couple of years now since it happened, I have not been able to get surgery yet just because you know, life happens, and it’d cost me close to $40k to get my knee repaired. But I try to keep a positive mindset and not let it stop me from having a good time with the homies.
Can you skate at all right now? Are you trying to get money for surgery?
Define skate. I can do very low-impact stuff. I definitely can’t skate like I used to. As far as raising money goes, I tried. I was scheduled for surgery in early 2020 but ended up losing that opportunity when Covid hit and elective surgeries were canceled. My girl started a Gofundme but it raised $0 so I just gave up on it.
Do you ever go back to Brazil? If so, what do you do there?
I have not, but when I do, I’m definitely going to check out Rio de Janeiro, the new Vale de Anhangabau which was torn down and rebuilt. Maybe see some of the northern parts of Brazil that are really beautiful.

Are there any rules in skating?
I don’t think skateboarding has rules. It’s a form of artistic expression. It’s up to each individual what they want to do with their talents.
Do you have any goals for 2022?
Wow, that’s a big one! I’d love to be fully back on my board. But I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to make that happen.
Special shout outs?
Just want to thank everyone that always believed in me, filmers, photographers, and the homies in Philadelphia. Also, shout out to my people in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Special thanks to Ben Hull, Ricardo Napoli, Andrew Meyer, Ashlin Horsley, Miles Ard, tim Rodriguez, and the mock crew, Giovani Ricardo and Luke Dough.