Max Palmer Interview

max palmer fs noseslide union sq
fs noseslide

What’d you do this weekend?

We skated all weekend and then went to this insane roof party in the city. It was like a weird high school reunion vibe, but it got crazy and there was a fight and shit. It was a sick roof though.

How long have you been in NYC?

7 years.

What brought you there?

I came here to go to college, but I really just wanted to come to skate. That was probably the main reason.

How many tickets have you gotten since being in NYC? 

Tickets? For skating? Probably like two. Andrew and them get tickets all the time, I don’t know why. As soon as I started hanging out with them I started getting tickets, but I never used to.

Ever been arrested?

Not officially, but very close.

What was the closest?

Probably some shit in Ohio for skating a convention center parking garage. Cops in Ohio just go ape shit. They threw my friends in the back of a cop car and handcuffed them. We all ran and they kept chasing us around downtown Columbus but they couldn’t find us. They eventually released our friends and they walked right by us, but had to pretend like they didn’t know us so the cops wouldn’t come get us too.

bs crook

What’s Ohio like?

It’s very consistent. It doesn’t change very much. It’s cool, there’s some sick spots but they’re few and far between. And everything’s really nice.

What’s Cleveland like?

I’ve never really been there. I hear that it’s really shitty. A bunch of my friends are from there and they all tell me it’s really shitty.

fs ollie

What is Iglu?

Iglu crew is all my friends from Ohio who grew up skating together. You know when you’re growing up skating with all your friends, it’s like the best days of your lives and nothing matters. So that’s like our skate crew from Ohio.

What is the side yard?

The side yard is the yard attached to my apartment. It used to be full of trash and broken glass. We basically just took it over and made it into a miniature skatepark.

bs smith, p-Joe Inglis
bs smith

Favorite place to skate?

The Wendy’s bank.

Favorite place to drink?

The Emerson or the side yard.

Favorite NYC rapper?

Big L.

Favorite NYC artist?

William Klein.

What do you think about nicknames?

I love nicknames, they’re huge in Ohio. Everyone is really into slang out here but nicknames are the main thing in Ohio.

Best alternative to a pillow?

Skateboard, backpack, or shoes.

Were you almost in a fight at the bar the other night? What happened?

I was playing pool and some idiot said I didn’t call my shot correctly. I was tired of being there so I caused a scene just for fun. I heard later that he was the owner of the bar, but I’m not sure if that’s true.


Do you have anybody’s autograph?

I contemplate getting autographs all the time, but never really follow through. Almost got one earlier.

From who?

Alex Ito’s parents.

What’s the biggest purchase you’ve ever made?

Damn, maybe a camera or probably all together the side yard.


What could NYC do to improve quality of life?

Close the income gap, less stress, better transportation, and free S.Pelligrino.

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