So are you originally from Reading, PA?
Yes sir. Born and raised.
Apparently a lot of people can’t pronounce your name correctly. Wanna let people know for the record?
My name actually sounds like there’s a “D” in it. You’d say it like Mah-Dee-Oh.
What are your thoughts on the Reading skate scene?
It’s growing really quickly actually. It kinda died for a sec, but after Holistic Skate Shop opened it started back up again. It’s pretty tight knit around here.
Any up and coming rippers in the area?
Of course! All the homies from Reading’s old park, Wooden Waves (God rest its soul), are on the come up for sure. Specifically, Marky Schwartz, Stu Miller, my brother Dante and the Valdez twins. Oh yeah and the little homie Ranciel! Now to think of it, Reading’s got a lot of good dudes!

How’s the vibe at Holistic?
It’s pretty cool. It’s a nice place to catch up with friends and a tight place to hang out when it’s raining.
What’s up with your fast food eating habits? I heard you fuck with Bojangles.
ALL.DAY.LONG. Still got the hat that the manager hooked it up with.
You and the manager homies now?
No doubt! I used to go there after every skate session in the summer so it was just prone to happen haha.
Word. So how long have you been skating?
Man…it’s been like 14 or 15 years. All happened because of my brother definitely gotta thank him.
And how long are you now?

Can you tell me a little bit more on how your brother got you into it?
Yeah no doubt. I was like 4, I think, hanging out at my grandma’s house playing Grand Theft Auto or something and he came in and basically told me I had no choice but to try it out. So pretty much I didn’t wanna do it at first, but we all know how addictive it can be and that’s just that. Couple years later, and I’m still addicted to it haha.
So you just graduated. What do you have planned now?
I applied to a couple schools and got accepted, but decided to take a gap year because of skating. I’ve just been skating and traveling and having a ton of fun doing it! Hopefully I can do this forever, definitely would be a fun life.
Where has skating taken you so far?
It’s taken me all over! I’ve been pretty much all around the country because of skating. Unfortunately, never to Europe or Asia though. Someday I hope!
So tell me about winning the Girl open house.
Dude…it was insane. I was just out there for Agenda with my homie Ed and the open house was kinda a last minute thing hooked up by one of their reps, Jamie Walsh and Holistic’s owner JD. But besides that, it was crazy. All the judges were the pros from the team. Malto, Jeron, Rick Howard, Mike Carroll all of them. I was just fanning out the whole time and I skated in the last heat so I was already super tired and kinda overwhelmed with the whole situation. I skated my heat and I didn’t think I made the finals, but I ended up being the sixth man in the 5 man heat. Thankfully I was able to relax a little, skate, have fun, and did well enough to win haha. I still can’t believe all of that happened, and it’s been a few months since that went on. Definitely one of my favorite memories/experiences!

How about Adidas Skate Copa/Damn Am.
It was pretty fun! It was the first time I had been to New York so that was pretty tight. Unfortunately, I rolled my ankle 5 minutes into the sesh and that sucked, but my homie Marky destroyed that contest. Crooks nollie tre and back feeble tre flip…Jesus. Damn Am was nuts. Lots of really good dudes but so crowded and humid. Wasn’t really my thing, but I got to eat some real good barbecue, hang out with my dad and Marky, and had some fun times at my uncle Alex’s house! Atlanta’s so sick for skating!
Did you ever get into deep shit in high school?
Honestly, no. I kinda flew under the radar at my school. Wasn’t really into their politics and bullshit. And plus, when you’re a skateboarder around here, people think you pull rabbits outta hats and shit haha. No one really understands it, but oh well. But yeah, no trouble. I spent the time skating instead.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully living in L.A. skating like always, and hopefully am or pro? That’d be the dream!
Word man. You got any shout outs?
Yeah I just wanna thank my mom and dad for always supporting my skateboarding habits. My brother for getting me into it, and still shredding with me everyday. My girlfriend Bryn for holding it down for the past year and a half. I’d like to thank Ryan Kochel, Wooden Waves, Kyle Nicholson, Matt Rathman. Zach Majors, Nate Schneick, Kyle Miller, Marky Schwartz, Taylor and Christian Brenheiser, Betsy, Kandy and Chris, Stu Miller, Sean Cochrane, Nicky B, Quinton Leister, One Finger, Jamie Walsh, Jason from Girl, Shawn Harris, Lamar Tees, Gage Griffith, The DynaKnapps, Ed Delahunty, Fosh, Terrell Robinson, Bryan Herman, Pat Rumney, Erik Hamamoto, Braydon Szafranski, Brian Hansen, Neen Williams, Dustin Bell, Red Mohawk, Bam Margera, Supra Footwear, Girl Skateboards, Holistic Skateshop, Skate Jawn, and the city of Reading.