Matt Villavicencio in “OUTLINE”

Matt’s part from Outline, a full length video from central Massachusetts filmed by Jacob Folsom-Fraster.

“Originally from Memphis, Matt Villavicencio moved up to Worcester, MA from New Orleans a few years back and has made quite a name for himself in our little town. Anyone who’s skated with Matt knows it’s impossible not to absorb his electrifying hype while on a session. One watch of his part and you’ll see this dude has a need for speed, a knack for surfing sketchy banks, and minimal fear while charging big gaps. He is the king of nosepicks, and always knows when to bust out the ol’ 360 boneless. Check out Matt’s part and imagine stacking these clips in between working a million hours a week managing Worcester’s hottest bakery/coffee shop, and raising a daughter! Cheers to our favorite high flying family man!”

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