You can sum up this video in the title alone, Maine and Simple. Well the Maine part cause skating in Maine isn’t always that simple. Jimmy Collins was the mastermind behind the video. Like most local videos you film with all of your homies and eventually you’ll have a video. It was really cool to see the amount of pride that skaters from Maine have since Maine isn’t known for anything other than lobster and blueberries. With harsh winters and limited spots the skaters in this video showcased how skating in Maine goes laid back and never taking it to serious. I was really stoked to see the amount of skaters from Maine in the video. Dave Labbe (Not Dave Crabb), Alex Winslow, Ben Cironi, Dave Green, Jordan Pride, Elias Simonetti all have full parts. Mike Gustafson, Jay Brown, Toebee Parkhurst also had a fair amount of footage as well. The best thing about the video is that Jimmy really showed how the Maine skate scene is and really brought a lot of skaters together. Anytime when a local video comes out and it improves the skate scene you know it’s sick. Take a half hour crack a PBR and sit back and watch a video that’s truly about skateboarding. No over the top filming here or artsy bullshit just true Maine street skating. -Travis Storer
What gave you the motivation to make a skate video with a real Maine feel to it?
Well I went to school for video production so I had access to a camera so I just started filming my homies skating. I figured I would just put it in a video at some point.
How hard was it to be basically the only filmer for the video? Did you kind of want to do it on your own or did it just kind of worked out that way?
It wasn’t really that hard. There were sometimes I wish there was a second filmer to get some second angles on some of the tricks but whatever.

What were some of the problems you had to overcome while making the video?
The biggest problem I had was trying to get organized. I shot something like 60 tapes for the video plus the footage that Chris gave me that I had to convert so I could use it. There was just so much footage and it was a bit overwhelming at times.
Any favorite parts or certain tricks that blew your mind?
My favorite clip in the video is the line with Jordan at the medians. I remember filming it and seeing the car and thinking that the line was over but he just went around and I didn’t stop filming and it worked out.

Jordan Pride was kind of a late addition to the video but damn his part is great. Was there anyone else you wanted to have a part or more footage in the video of anyone particular?
Yeah Jordan came up to me after I finished the promo and wanted to get a few clips in the video. We ended up skating and hanging out and got a few clips. I wish I had more footage of Mike G to give him a full part.
Overall how do you feel how the video came out? I know there must of been some pressure behind all of it this was the most hyped up video for a while, Did you start getting the “Madness” during the filming/ Editing?
Was there a lot of hype? The pressure wasn’t really that bad I guess, or maybe I just didn’t notice it. The worst part about the video is that it took so long to come out, some of the footage in the video is over 4 years old. I didn’t really have any “madness”, unless you count working 3 days straight just to get it done.

Got any new projects your working on now or plan too? You still plan on helping me with the Maine Skateboarding video right? Haha
Yeah man I’ll send over some footage for the Maine skateboarding video. I don’t really have any skate projects right now, its winter and I’m working in the woods and it’s pretty hard to skate up here.
Where can people see more of your work such as a website/blog/ etc?
Well I have a portfolio site that I set up to try and get some work in the film industry, jimmycollins.wordpress.com. I also have a blog that I post photos I take with my phone, you can check it at shitfoot.tumblr.com.
Any last words would you like to thank anyone that helped make the video and this interview possible for you?
I just want to thank everyone for being so patient with the video. I know it took way too long to get it done.
Last but not least how can people get a copy of the video? I know you want to wait a while before throwing it online.
Right now if people just want to send me their address I’ll send them out a copy. Find me on facebook or through the Maine Skateboarding facebook page. I’m going to put it up online at some point but I’d rather have something that you can watch on a tv instead of on a computer for right now.