A promo for Lesque Skateboards out of Tokyo. Featuring Junnosuke Hasegawa, Mana Sasaki, Kento Takahashi, Kenya Okuno, Ryo Motohashi. Filmed by Masatoshi Koyama and Daisuke Igarashi. Edit by Rui Ikegami.
A promo for Lesque Skateboards out of Tokyo. Featuring Junnosuke Hasegawa, Mana Sasaki, Kento Takahashi, Kenya Okuno, Ryo Motohashi. Filmed by Masatoshi Koyama and Daisuke Igarashi. Edit by Rui Ikegami.
Sam Greenwood in the streets of Portland.
Nine minutes of cell phone footage filmed in Pittsburgh over the last few years. Featuring Danger , Ray Ray, Chinner, Panza , Jay , Dave