Name, age, hometown?
Leif Hauge Jr., 20, Virginia Beach, VA.
What does East Coast skateboarding mean to you?
Raw as it gets. Shitty spots, shitty cops, real ass people.
Favorite place to skate in the east?
Probably DC/Northern Virginia.

Go to spot back home?
Virginia Beach oceanfront.
Who did you skate with in Virginia Beach?
I got a big group of guys over there. Jacob Austin is like my little brother, he’s on the come up, you’re gonna be seeing a lot more of him soon guaranteed. I have my homie Michael Lukeson, Austin O’Brien grew up skating with them and filmed a video. Also grew up skating with this dude Afton Gaspar, he doesn’t skate that much anymore.
How long did it take you to film that video part you just put out for Cardinal Skateshop?
I filmed it in the months of June and July

When did you first start getting affiliated with Cardinal?
Once I started skating more often, and ya know, getting to know the local scene, Cardinal was always looked at like “that’s the fucking shop!” Like 100% skater owned. Everyone backing Cardinal were real skateboarders. I was surrounded by the big dudes killing it at the time, like Chris Wimer, Dylan Atterson, and Dan Jackson. All those dudes made videos that I watched since I was a kid skating and looked up to all of them and they all rode for Cardinal. Then I was hanging at the shop a lot more when I was 15 or 16, and ended up becoming real good homies with Jason [Hawkes, owner of Cardinal], and supported it from then on.
When and why did you move out to SF?
Basically SFSU, it was the only school I got into in California. Literally moved here a week before school started, and didn’t find a place to live until three days before my classes started. Knew nobody here. I met one person at orientation who ended up introducing me to all these skaters freshman year, and after that moment I kinda just mingled around campus and met a bunch of rad skaters. Now I just skate with them all the time.
Why do people call you “weast?”
It’s basically my Instagram handle and that only started because I’m originally from the east coast and moved out to SF to go to school.

How do you feel when the homies call you by your Instagram handle instead of your real name?
At first I was like, alright, it’s kinda funny, ya know? It’s a little bit different, but now I back it. It’s kinda weird how strangers will come up and call me weast as well. But I feel like that’s just us in our generation now, like everyone is just calling each other by their Instagram handles.
Do you like it or dislike it?
I like it. Not a lot of people can mispronounce weast. I get a lot of “leaf,” “leaves,” or “leafs.”
What’s up next for you?
Filming a part with Ryan Flores for his full length and hopefully getting more stuff with Anthony Lopez for his next video. Hope to visit the east coast ASAP and skate with all my good homies there.
Any last words?
Huge thanks to Jason Hawkes for everything he’s done for me.