Legaña- It Ain’t All Good Bro

Photos by Francisco Chavez

Interview by Larry Davis

Words by Danny Falla

We came down to Lima last year to celebrate the Legaña skateshop opening. How’s everything been going?
The shop is going great, I was just down there and we celebrated one year of the shop being open. It would’ve been sick if you guys were there. I had Marcus Eagel with me, hanging with the rest of the team. He was having a good time, stacking clips as always. It’s just good when we go down there to skate with everybody and we go out to eat or do little events or whatever. We didn’t do a big celebration because we’re trying to put more money into what matters to us, skate trips that the guys need to go to, or the boards that they need, or other little things. We’re also in the process of making some clothes, t-shirts and pants and some stuff like that, so that’s exciting.

Are you doing all that down there or in the States?
We’re doing it down there but we’re definitely going to have some stuff up here as well. At least some pants. The quality of stuff is important, and I don’t know if a lot of people know but in Peru they have good textiles and really good cotton, so we’re excited about that.

Let’s talk about the video, is this the first full Legaña video since the reboot?
Since the reboot, kinda. It was supposed to be a promo video, which it still is. I don’t think these days you can make a very long video where everyone has parts. I mean, you can, but it just depends on who you are. I still watch full length videos and I appreciate them a lot. But this is going to be a shorter video, around 15 minutes. Fabri has a part, Walon has a part, Marcus and I have a shared part, Erik, our West Coast rider has some stu in there, and there’s the Peruvian section too. Which is awesome, because those guys kill it. They got Josue there and he is just on it. I wish everybody I worked with was as excited about filming and had super good vibes and was motivated like him.

Who’s editing the video?
It’s being edited by Diego Vargas, he’s a good friend of mine from Argentina. He’s connected to the people from Buenos Aires, and Delivery Buenos Aires. We were filming for a while and then I asked him because I like the way he films and edits, and he was super down for it. He’s in the process of editing the video now and hopefully it will be out by the time this issue comes out.

Did you go on any trips or anything for this video, or is it just where everyone is?
Yeah it’s just where everyone was at the time. With Fabri and Walon and Marcus we wanted to keep it New York cause they live here and they’ve been skating a lot of spots here and I just like showing where people live, you know? Kinda like a Bobby Worrest skating Pulaski type of shit. They’ve been doing some pretty cool shit, and then the Peru team is mostly in Lima I think.

Okay, let’s see if you can do this one. Try to describe each team rider in three words or less.
Damn, that’s a good question. Marcus: Motivated, sweet stoner. Fabri: Own world hucker. Walon: Smooth, stylish player. Erik: Stylish, Punk rock hucker. Marisol: Sweetest, excited, little. Renato: Entertainer, stylish, go-big-or-go-home. Rodrigo: Quiet, insanely tech. Luis: Determined, silent killer. Alexandra: Chill, sweet, goes big.

What about yourself?
It’s hard for me to describe myself, I don’t really know how people see me, you know? But from what my wife tells me, I think I’m calm and good vibes? Sometimes, I guess? You need that to be a team manager too. Gotta stay calm and put the good vibes out there to make sure no one is stressing too hard. Oh, and very lucky.

Alright, tell the people why they should visit Lima.
Oh man, I could tell you the obvious things like the food and the weather. But Marcus was saying one time, there’s tons of shit that people don’t even think about as spots here. Skating with him in Lima is a great example cause we’ll just pass by something and he’ll be like “Why don’t we skate that?” and people are like, what are you talking about? So having the mentality from New York and looking for spots besides the perfect handrail, or perfect ledge, it’s great for that. The people and the skaters down there are super welcoming to anybody as long as you’re a skater and you have good vibes. And the beach is right there!

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