So where are you living right now?
Right now I’m living in Long Beach, with all the boys. Fuckin Ishod, Berman, and Travis, and Duff. Even though half of them haven’t been here in a while.
How long you been there?
We moved last April, but I was on a trip the whole summer, so I feel like I’ve been here for a while.
You ever rode a dirt bike in Philly?
No, but I know they have a no chase law, which is pretty good. You always see it and you’re just like dammit I want to do that, but it’d be a little sketchy. Tight streets, but I guess you gotta get good enough to get out there.

So do you really like Cali?
I mean, it’s hard to say. I haven’t had much of a life other than just skating out here, so I don’t know. I definitely miss the East way more than I like it out here. Cause skating is good anywhere, obviously it’s good out here cause of the weather and you can just skate year round. It never rains, there’s tons of spots, tons of people. So it’s good for skating. But if I wasn’t skateboarding I would not be here. Straight up.
Word. How many cinnamon rolls can you eat in one sitting?
Fuck. We talking like Cinnabon Roll? Or like Pilsberry you make at home? Cause I could probably rock a whole tin of the ones you make at home. But the Cinnabons? I could probablu fuck up two or three of those. I went food shopping last night, and bought cinnamon rolls.

What was it like having a pet squirrel growing up?
Haha, that shit was crazy, so random. It never like kicked it in the house. It would just stay in these trees right down the street when I was in elementary school. When it was a baby I just started feeding it and eventually it would get closer and closer. Fuck, it used to hang out all the time. It was sick.
Did it have a name?
I named it paw. Cause he would always just come up and hold his paw out, he was just ready. I would give him nuts. I could see myself doing that again, cause that dude was tight. But we just got a little praying mantis out front the other night. He’s been lurking around the crib and we’ve been giving him crickets, it’s so sick.
You know how to do metal working right? You ever make a flat bar? Or any skate shit?
Yeah I mean I was working, I never had a good welder to do outside shit, other than the stuff at work. I’ve built a few flatbars, but they’re all back East, I would love to have a little workshop to build whatever the fuck I want. That’s why at Blackbox it was awesome. Cause on the weekends if I was hurt, or wasn’t skating I could just sit there and anything that came into my mind I could just try to build. Like me and Dane built a vert wall with a little bridge like a quarterpipe, kinda spiced things up a little bit. Never got a chance to really make some shit, I know you guys got it right over there at the Jawn warehouse. Which I haven’t seen in months, but last time I was there that shit was fucking awesome.

Dude that shit’s R.I.P. man.
Noooo way. That is a bummer. Damn.
So what’s the perfect recipe for a spliff?
It’s definitely like a 60/40. Ishod doesn’t like tobacco, but I’m definitely more tobacco than not kinda guy.

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
Uhhh, fuck. I worked at Staples office supply store, when I was like 17. And that was definitely the fucking worst. Just stocking shelves with paper and pens and office supplies. I don’t know what the fuck I was doing there. I remember one time me and another coworker got there super early, and stacked carts all in front of the doors so we all had to get to work late cause no one could get in.
Can you tell me a little bit about how shit went down at Black Box?
I mean its really complicated, I don’t even really know what the fuck happened. I mean they’re obviously downsizing and they’ve been in the building since like the early 2000’s when they were killing it with all the brands. And they had this ginormous building with the park. So Jamie sold the building like a year ago, and I guess they were just paying rent on the space they were using. That’s why California skateparks came in, and some other random people came in. As far as I was concerned, I had gotton on Mystery but I’d never had an ad or anything. I was working on something for Mystery, then I got into a little ATV accident at Chris Cole’s house and couldn’t skate for like fucking four months. Then by that time they were fucking with the Fallen video, and then the Zero video, so they couldn’t put together any of my footage I had. So that never came out, and I never got an ad. Then I went on that trip and I was away for so long I was just like fuck it I’m gonna quit. And we had all moved out in April, the building’s still there but the park’s called something else, its not called Blackbox anymore, and they made it way better than it was before. But I guess Zero and Fallen are out of Tum Yeto and Slave is being run by Ben out of his garage, just keeping it afloat. So big ups to Ben for keeping that going, and keeping Zero and Fallen going at least, I think Mystery has a buyer too, but I don’t know what is gonna happen with that.

And whats up with you man?
Fuck…I’m coming back from a rolled ankle for the past month, so I’ve been rolling around and just kinda getting back in the swing of things. Still can’t nollie, or switch ollie or anything. I can still cruise around and have fun, but not quite there yet. Other than that, skating as much as I can. I put that part out. Sitting on no footage and no sponsors.

That part was sick though. How did that all come about?
Well I had all my footage from when I was filming for Mystery, and then the stuff from when I moved out here with Ant. Just going filming with all the homies and then the rest was just from driving from skatepark to skatepark during that trip and hitting everything we could on the way. It kinda added up. We got back from the trip, skated a couple more California spots and it just kind of came together. And a while ago I think it was at Ishod’s SOTY party up in S.F. I was talking to the dude at Thrasher. He asked if I wanted a Thrasher part and I said yeah. I got all this footage together cause I wasn’t on a team or have someone to give all this footage to so I was like fuck it, maybe they’ll still want a Thrasher part, So we sent it and they were super down. It all just kinda fell into place and worked out.

Wanna say thanks?
Definitely a shout out to Max, and everyone at Skate Jawn cause they’re fucking homies. And definitely a big thanks to Thrasher, John Note and Ant Travis, Bart for everything. All the homies out here, in the house, fucking keep ripping.