Kiko & Lurdo Interview

By Renan Garcia

What’s your go-to trick?
I wouldn’t say I have a go-to trick, haha. But I’ve always loved doing flips and impossibles since I was a kid.
I wouldn’t really know, but maybe a backside Smith.

What’s your worst trick?
There are tons of tricks I can’t do, obviously. But the hardflip has always been one of those tricks I’ve struggled with a lot to make it look decent.
For example, I can do an impossible but it takes a lot of effort.

Do you have any stories about traveling together?
There are always stories when skating the streets of Madrid, especially at night. The funniest recent one with Kiko was a morning after a night out in downtown Madrid. It was around 38°C (100°F), and he wanted to go to the mountains to swim, while I wanted to hit the pool since it was way closer. One thing led to another, and we ended up at a Chinese shop buying a one meter inflatable pool and some cartons of wine. We spent the whole morning in a park in the city center, soaking with our butts in the pool.
There are plenty, although many of them aren’t the kind of thing you’d share in an interview like this. One that comes to mind right now is a night hopping between rock bars and clubs with this guy in a wheelchair we ran into and took along with us. Hours later, we found out he wasn’t actually in a wheelchair— it was all just a performance!

Who’s your favorite skater?
Kiko, Alain Saavedra, and Felipe Bartolomé.
I can’t think of anyone specific right now, but for example, Mark Gonzales.

Any sponsors, projects?
I don’t have any projects at the moment—just skating comfortably and staying injury-free is enough for me. As for sponsors, Sk8land has been supporting me for many years, so I want to send them a huge shoutout—they’re the best! I ride Nineties decks and wear Volcom clothing.
I am supported by Nineties Skateboards from Madrid, a really cool clothing brand called 13, and Mesa Distribution helps me out with trucks and other gear. As for projects, I don’t have many because I don’t have much time or know many people to film with. But I’ve had an almost finished video part for a while now, and I hope it comes out soon.

What hobbies do you have outside of skating?
Besides skating, I have a punk band called Patinetas Podridas, where I play bass with some friends from my childhood skatepark. That and skating are what I spend most of my time on. For work, I’m a web and graphic designer at a small agency in Madrid.
I’ve got a few hobbies, but lately, I’ve been really into photography—especially nature and wildlife photography. I’ll be publishing some of it somewhere soon.

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