John Hill Interview

Give me a quick rundown about skateboarding in Columbia, S.C.

The few people who do skate here love it. Such passionate, smart, funny, optimistic dudes, which is what skating needs more of. I love the skate scene here honestly.

Gaps, ledges, handrails, manny pads. List in order from favorite to least favorite.
Ledges, manny pads and gaps tied, then rails.

fs board

I don’t see you skate much tranny?
I’m terrible at it. It’s so much more gratifying learning tranny tricks though cause they’re all scary.

How did you get on Birdhouse flow? I heard the team stopped in Columbia and they saw you skate and Tony Hawk was like “Dayumm”
Someone lied to you, haha. The team toured through Columbia, and I skated for two days with the whole crew, befriended them, and I guess they were cool with me. I sent them a sponsor tape a little later and the TM, Jerome was down to help a brother out.

You drive around Columbia in a Subaru Outback with a padded luggage rack, pulling a wobbly trailer. Do chicks dig it?
I have no idea what chicks dig.

varial heel

What do you think about contests? You’ve done pretty well in the past two Damn Ams.
Thanks buddy! I think it’s just luck. I usually skate ok, but other people sometimes skate much better. I like contests when the environment is friendly and exciting. I definitely prefer SPOT run contests overall.

What’s next? What do you hope to accomplish by this time next year?
I wanna hit up Cali. It’s scary taking the leap. Hopefully get some photos published with you, film a rip clip, maybe a mag minute, have at-least two more parts out. Just be in a position where I can put out footage and skate a lot. The same things every skateboarder hopes for. I just want to get as much done as I physically and mentally can.


Give me some shout outs.

Bluetile Skateshop, Dave Toole, Birdhouse, Jerome Case, and Shorty at Converse for literally backing me harder than anyone ever, Dorian Warneck, Chris Rogers, and Sava Kucherin for filming. You, Luke Mckaye, for being awesome and shooting amazing photos. Tons of love to those who keep trying to get it in the Carolinas.

kickflip 5050




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