John Gardner Interview

John Gardner pole jamer
pole jam

What do you have going on in your backyard in Brooklyn?

Oh we got a sick ramp we’re building right now. Trying to make it into a bowl, but we’re lacking some funds at the moment. It’s like a cement ramp with pool coping. Pretty tight, pretty steep, not easy. I don’t know why, but we made it really hard.

Favorite trannies you’ve ever come across?

Probably skating the big O. That’s the first thing that comes to mind. That thing is incredible, it’s like a natural work of art. That and probably just any skateable pool.

Where did you go recently? You were in some rainforest?

John Gadner drop in
drop in

Oh yeah I went to Costa Rica with my family. It was fucking sick.

You mentioned finding something to skate out there?

We get to this hotel and me and my dad are just hanging in the lobby. A dude working there sees my skateboard and mentioned something about a ramp around the area. He gives us a place where it might be, and me and my dad just go hunt it out. Then next thing you know we’re in this dudes backyard with like a big ass cement bowl.

What was up with the og RV trips?

Aw man those were awesome. We went on a bunch of RV trips. My mom got this RV a long time ago just to go on vacation with and she was just down to take me and my friends on skate trips. We went to Montreal and just all over the East Coast, it was sick. It was so awesome, I miss it.

You ever skate with the Creature dudes?

Yeah one time. I see Alex Horn every now and again in Brooklyn but the Creature and the Santa cruz dudes came through to Jersey and we took them to this pool, they were real stoked.

Tell me about the pool you had at your house?

That was a dream come true man. It was just super random. My parents were trying to move out of the place they were in and they just happened to stumble upon this old house in Summit, NJ and there was like a sick pool in the backyard. We didn’t know if it was skateable, and they were going to fill it in, cause they wanted to build something. It happened to be like the most perfect pool ever. For a good three months everybody came and skated and had the best time. It was definitely something to remember.

Tell me some of the people who came through.

Off the top of my head one of the funniest people to come through was Patrick Melcher, cause he was like spray painting mustaches and dicks all over my house. Because they were tearing down the house. One of the coolest people to come through that I enjoyed talking to was Matt Rodriguez. He’s just a really all around great guy.

Have you heard any new conspiracies lately?

Yeah I guess, like not really a conspiracy but I found out how maraschino cherries are made. It’s pretty fucked up. They take a bunch of just regular old cherries and soak them in bleach for like 3 weeks. Then after that they soak them in a mixture of red number 40 and high fructose corn syrup for like 2 weeks. And red number 40 is like crushed up beetles and shit, it’s mad gross. So next time you’re at the bar take a look at what you’re about to eat.

John Gardner bs lip 13 hartford ct
bs lip

Tell me about the last time you went to evolve fest?

Aw man, words can’t really describe the experiences I’ve had there. Just all around great vibes, it was a great time.

Are you a vegetarian?

Yeah I would say so. I haven’t eaten meat of any sorts in a while.

How long?

Probably a couple months. I think I started back in March. I watched this documentary called Forks Over Knives, and I don’t know, it kind of just changed the way I wanted to eat.

Trying to go raw vegan?

Probably not. I’ll leave that to… Jordan. But you never know what the future holds. Jordan’s the healthiest person I know, and it’s because of the way he eats no doubt.

Why do you do Yoga?

I do yoga because it just calms me and centers me and makes skating so much more fun. I don’t know, it loosens your body up. For me it just really makes me happy. Like I’ll do it in the mornings and at night, and it just sets my day off right.

What would be your dream pet to have?

Maybe like a stoner sloth. Sloths just kind of do their thing, they’re vegetarians like I am and they’re all stoned out. They just hang out. Seems like a cool pet to have.

Favorite thing about NYC skating?

You can skate anywhere, any time… most of the time. Actually I take that back. You can just skate at any hour of the night. The city is always alive. And probably just the people, there are so many homies that skate.

John Gardner bs crailslide over the deathbox
bs crailslide

Favorite natural high?

Probably meditating, I’ve never gotten higher off anything else than meditating.

Where do you want to be when you’re old?

I don’t know, I want to be happy. Just content in whatever I’m doing. I can’t really say where I’ll be or what I’ll be doing, but I know that I want to be happy.

What would your dream skatepark be like?

First off, all my friends would be there. There’d be a sick ass restaurant right next to the skate park that serves skaters and there’s only hot babes working there. There’ll be a snake run, two different kinds of bowls, and then just a lot of fun shit. And it’s right next to a river.

John Gardner sair carve
bs 5050

What are your plans for the summer?

Just enjoy relaxation, time with my friends, try to take as many trips as I can, and just enjoy the time away from school. It’ll be my last summer I guess, cause next year I graduate and then my whole life is a summer.

What’s you’re favorite thing to skate in Jersey?

Right now it’s definitely Ann Van skate park in Hillsborough. The homies been holding it down building shit and it’s getting better and better every time I go. It’s so fun.

What’s you’re favorite place to skate in NY? 

Probably my backyard right now, It’s right outside my door and it’s super fun. Me and my roommates Max and Patrick skate it a lot. Anybody who’s down to shred, come by.

What was the best vacation you’ve ever been on?

Best vacation I went on was the S.F. trip minus the plane ride back. S.F. is one of the sickest places I’ve ever been, skate-wise, culture-wise, it was awesome. We were staying in a hostel. That was probably the most fun trip I’ve ever been on.

Ever skate a big contest?

Tampa AM. I went this year and the first day I got there, first day of practice, I tore my groin and my hamstring, and I couldn’t skate. I couldn’t even walk. Which was a bummer. But looking back on it, it was probably one of the best things to happen to me at the time. I really got to just chill with my dad and spend some time with him. It was cool, I just kinda chilled for four months and now I’m skating again.

If you could give a message to the next generation what would it be? To all the young bulls about to come up.

Just be exactly where you are. Don’t think too far ahead or far back, just enjoy where you’re at right now cause this moment is going to disappear just like the next. So enjoy what’s around you. Try to find the things that make you happy. Be yourself to every extent of what that is. Don’t get caught up in the mix.

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