Jody’s Spot

When this article was originally published in October Jody’s Spot was a growing space for the community. Sadly, at the time of this writing it is facing demolition by Woodbridge Township. Show your support for the spot and sign the petition to save it.

Words by Fred Gall. Photos by Elias Parise.

I had another spot going up the street on a dead-end road. I built a wallride that stuck out a little too far, so they bulldozed it. But this spot, Jody’s Spot, I’ve always wanted to build at. It just was so much work cause we had the pour all the flats.

Finally, we got the nerve to just go for it. I named it after my mother who passed away. She used to hang out under that bridge. I was looking at it and it was built in 1959. She was born in 1959. There’s a lot of weird little coincidences. I just wanted to name a spot after her.

We started in April, 2021. At first it started out pretty slow. It was just me basically, Ghost and Richie would help, and then I met Gib and the “Real Strauss” and those guys really put in a lot of work. Ronnie from Newark and Jerry Mraz put in a lot of help. A lot of people definitely chipped in. Basically, we were working with what we had.

The one side is already a bank, so we were just building off that bank and then building whatever obstacles we want against the wall. We’re probably up to about 900 bags of concrete and at least 500 cinderblocks. When you do DIY, you use a lot of material, it’s insane.

It was really secluded and hidden, but recently they cut all the bushes and trees out. We were kind of bummed, but then we said fuck it, we’re gonna bowl off the corner.

We started and we’re just going to see. Hopefully they just let it go. It’s been pretty good so far. If anybody wants to donate, we got a gofundme, go for it.

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