Congrats on the Sea Level part it came out real good. Tell us about the video and so forth.
I’m grateful for having the opportunity to be a part of Sea Level. Everyone that was involved came from all over the place, and we all skate so differently then each other. It made for a real diverse video and was a fun experience overall!
This time around it must have been nice not having to worry about making the video as well as having a part. What was it like filming for Sea Level rather than Mixed Effect or Whatever Feels Right?
It was a lot different. I could really focus on actually skating and not stress or deal with any of the other obstacles that making a video entails. Chris and Elliott did a great job.
Recently you’ve made a few shorts for ESNC clothing, what was the concept behind that and what inspired it?
My goal was to show what it is really like to go out skating on a February night in Portland, Maine. The idea for the shorts came from listening to Threepeeohs beats. I’m always on the hunt for new and inspiring music.

What do you got going on now? Are you filming for any upcoming projects or anything in the works?
Right now I’mj ust trying to stack as much footage as I can. There may be a short ESNC promo happening.
Anyone you would like to thank that’s helped you out along the way?
I want to thank Skate Jawn, Travis Storer, Sam Mckenna, Mike G, and all of the homies I skate with!