Jason Ross Interview

How old are you, where are you from?

I’m 21 years old, from Danvers, MA which is like 25 minutes north of Boston.

How long have you been skating for and how did you start?

I’ve been skating for about ten years give or take. I started because my friend Chris Hopper brought a skateboard to my house and I realized I had one in my garage, it’s been on like Donkey Kong since then.

Who do you skate with? Who’s in the crew?

I basically just skate with whoever calls me. SBS crew in Danvers which is like all the kids I grew up with and went to high school with. Lately I’ve been skating with Kevin Manning, Matt Tomasello, Buddy Bleckley, and whoever else is around at the time. Also been filming with Nick Eliot, and his crew of youngsters. On the West Coast I skate with my Cold Gravy homies.

I saw a promo for Hustle skateboards and you had some sick clips in there. How did getting hooked up by them come about?

Last time I came out to SF a bunch of my friends were getting hooked up by Hustle. Apparently they put in good words for me and Jamie was down. I’m definitely grateful.

What plans are in the future for Hustle?

Are they planning on making a video anytime soon?

This summer apparently we’re supposed to be doing some touring to Chicago, Milwaukee, and Oregon which should be sick I’ve never been to any of those cities. I don’t know if they plan on making a video, at least not at the moment. We’ll definitely be putting out clips online though.

Other than Hustle Skateboard, is anyone else currently helping you out?

I’ve been getting help from Bamboozle skate shop in Salem, MA. Also as of lately Rob Pontes has been hooking it up with the Etnies, which has been awesome.

How often do you go out West to skate with the Hustle crew? Are you the only one that’s from the East Coast on the team and where are they based out of?

I’ve been to California four times since I graduated high school in 2009. I just work and save up cash and quit my job and go spend it out there. It’s tight that I got somewhere to stay always. I got to get out there at some point this summer. Hustle is based out of Oakland, CA and to my knowledge I’m the only one from the East Coast on Hustle. I’m definitely grateful.

Are you working on any projects at the moment?

We got some projects in the works! Kevin Manning is making a new video called “Poncho Time”. The origin of the name is a long story, but it should be a cool East Coast flick with a lot of Boston area spots. I also skate with Geoff Laskey and Allan Mcneil when they aren’t at work. Daniel Miranda is making a full length video for Cold Gravy and I believe we’ll be calling it Warm Gravy. Because if you think cold gravy is good just think about how much better it is when it’s warmed up! I’m hyped to be working on a West Coast video. My part’s kind of been done for a while we’re just waiting on everybody else. Go on youtube and type in Cold Gravy 12, that’s our most recent clip.

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