So where are you from and what’s it all about out there?
Born in Jersey, raised in Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina.
North Carolina’s cool. Jersey is tight too, just didn’t spend much
time there growing up.
Any good spots?
Yeah, NC State University is a prime area. There are some really good
parks/backyard ramps.

You had a pretty sick crew in NC, right? I know you guys put out a video and all killed it, what’s up with them now that you’re gone?
Yeah. The crew has changed over the years. People came and went. The
video was Carolina love. I guess Dan Murphy and Justin Brock are the
two who took it to the top when it came to skating. Dan’s pro for
Foundation, Justin is pro for Real and I know they just be skating on
the regular. Justin has traveled the world and that’s pretty rad.
Cause I remember the day he dropped out of high school. James Tupper
was and still is a great editor/filmer who works at a corporate spot
now, Jed Shooter is pro for Finesse and has a backyard ramp and works
on cars. Jeremy Menard got me to join this corporate cult for a week
then it got weird so I bailed, but he kept doing it and is now winning
a ton of money playing poker from what I last remember. Tyler Tufty
works for Nike. Everyone else still skates for the most part which is

After being all the way in San Francisco how do things compare to
the East Coast?
Man, I really like it here. I skate way more than I did on the east coast just because I sold my car to get out here so I’m always pushing everywhere like you guys. It’s the shit. I don’t have to worry about the cops when it comes to skateboarding and people rarely flip out on you.
You’ve got tons going on right now, you’re the team manager for Satori wheels, you’re filming and editing Destroying Babylon day in and day out and yet I never see you stressing! What’s your secret?
Skating and long bicycle rides. I try and eat healthy too, I found being honest helps, if you ain’t feeling something you should say so and let it out. I guess I’m just stoked to be alive, I almost died the first month I was out here involving a big hill, rain, night time, a bicycle and a car. I feel like I should’ve been dead but somehow survived so it’s good to remind myself things could be worse.

What’s the video all about? What can we expect to see and where can we peep?
The video is just all the sick cats I’ve met out here while skating. I
guess you can expect just raw skating, I didn’t really fuck with the
footy at all, it’s 30 minutes of footage, no slow motion, the whole video features a sound track by Russian Circles, it’s just a long montage, no blackness between parts, just something to fry your brain with. Come see it new years eve at my house if you’re the homies, and Jan 8 at dlx skate shop on market street. www.destroyingbabylon.com/awol for other states premieres.
I’ve never seen someone with crazier food choices than you, how do you stay alive, shredding from sunrise to sunset?
I guess turning straight edge for 5 years and doing yoga . Sometimes my heart starts racing too much and I feel like I’m gonna die from working it too hard. But I try and just stick to shopping at food stores and not eating fast food. Bananas, apples, broccoli. I met this 75 year old dude out here one day at the beach who was filming the sunsets, he had a gnarly energy going on with what he was doing, just super stoked. I asked him what was up and he has been filming the sunsets for like 30 years now. He has hundreds of dv tapes each individually dated. He meets people then finds the sunset of their birthday and shows it to them. He only eats raw foods and still surfs and skates. He bombs hills on his longboard goofy and regular, doesn’t
take any medication. I guess seeing that and realizing if you do take the time to care for yourself, you can still be killing it when your old. I know you could die any day but when I do I’d like to be on that hype feel good shit.

Shout out all your homies!
All you Boston cats for straight charging it out here, all the homies that I’ve met out here who rip. Johnny for the surf hookup, Satori for the job, and the streets / my board for keeping me away from all the bullshit in life. One love.