Bill is a plumber by trade, a Yinzer by nature, and a pain in the ass by choice. He’s also one helluva good dude and when he gets his mind on something, it’s going to happen. And he will argue with you if try to get in his way. This time around no one was arguing when he asked to raise funds to build a mini ramp in the backyard of the becoming infamous Hemway house. This gofundme worked out much better than the one where he tried to raise enough to buy a twelver. Read below to learn how it all went down.
So, you finally got a gofundme to work!
Yeah, I was bored out of my mind the first two weeks of this shit so I built a box to skate, skated it twice and decided to build a mini ramp. Colt Cannon gave me seven dollars and my Grandma gave me a hundred bucks.

How long did it take, from the start of fundraising to first grind?
I re-cut the tranny three times, and probably rebuilt it twice. I had to build a deck for the ramp to lay on so that took a week. I’ve never built a mini ramp before so it was a lot of trial and error and me losing my mind. Maybe three weeks in total.
Did anyone help you build it?
Yeah the roommates helped a little and a few friends. I am still working during all this so I would come home and work on the ramp and build it on the weekends.
How is Hemway house doing through all this?
Everyone is basically laid off so they have just been skating everyday and cooking every night at the house. So honestly not a lot has changed for them.
And how about for yourself?
The first few weeks I had more time then I knew what to do with myself. I was laying around in my room reading, watching Netflix, and trying to figure out what to make of this shit going on. That got pretty depressing after awhile, so I decided to make the best of my time and do shit I’ve always wanted to do but never had time to. Started going on long bike rides, making some juice, and now I have a ramp in my backyard. So I’m actually starting to enjoy this pause in life and trying to make the best of it.

Who’s gonna skate this thing the best out of the house?
Brian Powderly.
What else have you tried to gofundme?
I once fundraised a case of beer on the site, I think it was for $15 and I got $10, so Rolling Rock it was that evening.

Blunt fakie first t?
Absolutely not. I honestly haven’t skated since I started building this thing. I got one after a few awkward bails today though.
So what’s gonna last longer, this ramp or humanity?
Probably humanity, my landlord doesn’t know about the ramp yet.
So last question, why’d you put the whipped cream in the steak marinade that one time?
It’s good on ice cream isn’t it?
Yr fried. Thanks Bill!