George Hanuschak Interview

switch wallie 50-50 p-James Munk

Tell everybody a good park police story (the girl scout troop that writes tickets at Pulaski). 

I got arrested one time for drinking water. Park police knew I’d been skating and wanted to make a point so they wrote me up for drinking in public. They refused to let me take a breathalyzer and had me spend the night.

About a year ago you embarked on a journey to Mongolia and Russia. What was one of the strangest things you saw on the trip?

A lot of places in Russia, they throw out toilet paper in a trashcan next to the toilet instead of flush it.

wallride p-Smalls

Explain to the readers what #georgeeats was.

I can eat a lot so you guys made it a thing to take photos of me eating and post them under #georgeeats. Speaking of eating, I typically eat half of Spivey’s Chinese food when he gets up for bathroom breaks (Editor’s note: a few months ago I received a cease and desist letter from a high powered D.C. law firm to remove the photos, but I’m not pointing any fingers.)

What is a good example of Spivey’s madness?

Last time I was in Baltimore, Spivey left the session for work, and I figured he was off to go paint some houses because he’d been doing that for money. Later on I see him walk out of this Chinese spot with a big smile on his face. I asked him what’s up and he’s like nothing, just got outta work, they hooked up dinner. I couldn’t even imagine him interacting over there. Just try to picture him standing around while everyone else is speaking Chinese.

crook p- James Munk

What’s one of the best things Nals has ever said?

“Yeah when Niki and I were in Jacksonville we stayed at the player’s club. Nothing but old dudes and hookers for 5 square miles.”

What’s one of the best things Stan has ever said?

“Fa la la la.”

Explain your infatuation with avocados.

It’s the good fat, what’s not to like?

What’s for dessert?

Cookie dough ice cream.

backside tail p- Allen Danze

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