How long have you lived in NYC?
I’ve lived in New York my whole life, but I moved to Brooklyn in 2007 for school at Pratt.
What’s yr favorite thing about Philly?
Rolling 30 deep to every spot. Actually that kinda sucks most of the time. Rolling 30 deep to FDR.
What’s yr least favorite thing about NYC?
Do you still have that book you made of spots from Quartersnacks?
Hah yeah I think so, at my parents house. They called me out on that and I didn’t know whether to be stoked or embarrassed.
Where you trying to road trip to?
We wanna go to the Mid West, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Cincinnati? No real plan yet, just trying to go the last week in August.
You like the South?
We went on a trip down there almost exactly a year ago, destination New Orleans. I like the skating, food, and country music. I can do without the summer heat though.
You ever been to Georgia?
I went on a trip with a bunch of dudes in early 2009 and me and four others got thrown in jail for trying to skate that water park.
What ended up happening?
I was the last person put in the patty wagon, so the cop stuffed everyone’s IDs in my pocket. When they took all of my stuff at central booking they had all the IDs still under my possession. I end up staying there overnight. Around 6 am I get called and I’m thinking, thank god I’m finally out. Unfortunately it was just to give permission to let one of the guys that didn’t get arrested to get the IDs from my possessions. They needed ID at the bank to get enough money out to bail us out. I didn’t realize that they had to give him all my stuff. When I finally got bailed out after like 24 hours I had none of my stuff so I had to walk out of jail in a paper jumpsuit and socks.
What’s yr favorite animal?
Dogs are the best.
You draw a lot of giraffes and other animals too though?
Yeah, most of my artwork is based around animals. I like all the different textures and patterns on them, and when I started doing wood and lino cuts the textures and patterns translated really well.
How did you end up doing a series of skating dog boards for Hopps?
I made a book with similar skateboarding dog drawings and put a photo copy version of it up in some KCDC art show a while back. I’ve skated with Jahmal a few times, here and there, over the years. One day he approached me and complimented me on the work at KCDC, and I asked about doing a board. We didn’t talk for a while after that and I figured he was over it, but one day he called me up and asked to do a three board series.
Who is Dylan Goldberger?
I used to be really bummed on my last name so I just said my middle name instead.
Can you miller flip?
Poor man’s invert. I’m pretty sure they ruined any chances of me doing a fs invert, just keep over rotating.
Can you wizard flip?
Is that 360 heelflip? My board is limited to kickflips only.
Nah, it’s drinking enough beers till yr wizard staff is above yr head and doing a kickflip.
I got the wizard fs blunt.
Why do you always skate to country music?
Skate Jawn Vid wasn’t too country. Everything else is wack.
Eminem or Blink 182?
Blink. My Eminem cd was edited, Blink said fuck.
How often do you black out?
Less than last summer.
Why don’t you wear shoes when you skate?
Cause I never have socks, and shoes and no socks sucks.
Thanks/shout outs?
Every one at 614 and all the other homies. Sundays Zine, Prize Fighter, Hard Times, Beerings, and the homies at Vans, Amy at KCDC. Dennis McNett is the best boss ever. Thanks 2nd Nature for supporting me forever. Thanks Max Hull for going out filming with me since I could stand on my board. SKATE JAWN KILLS IT. Fuck, I know I’m forgetting something.