“Originally built in 1998, it started out as a prefabricated piece of shit, with a mandatory pavement street hockey rink built right alongside it. The rink was constantly littered with broken glass, the ground never given a resurface in 25 years, and activity of those who would wander in was sketchy to say the least. Rumors allege beatdowns, guns drawn, crack smoking, and supposedly people have died or been murdered there in its early years. Aside from all that we’ve had tons of fun having cookouts, beer-fueled evenings, and all nighters at the park. It was a crusty and lawless territory. Great memories for sure.

Regardless of its insane history, our crew of local skaters have been skating there for most of our lives. The face of the park changed a lot over the years. With the rink scrapped in 2005, and skater-built DIY obstacles in its place, the park was twice the size it was originally by the time I started skating it. 2014 saw the huge addition of a mini-ramp measuring 5-foot tall by 70-feet wide. 2023 was when the new Dover Park was under construction, and we knew our time left at the original was limited. All we could do was skate, film, and sit back and watch as the ramp deteriorated, and was sold to the highest bid of $13, and was subsequently torn apart before our eyes. I think now it’s some dude’s porch.

When we discovered the entire park was demolished, it was fucking heartbreaking. This place raised so many of us to be the skaters we are today. This video is essentially an ode to the last year we all got to skate it together, and to generations that skated it before us and made it fun for when we were kids. From the incredible friendships I’ve made there, to the way I approach skateboarding as a whole, I owe everything to Dover Park.” – Max Gutowski

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4 days through FL, SC, NC, & MD with… Tyler Yuraszeck, Henry Pham, Matt Ionovannone filmed by: Matt ionovannone edited by: Henry Pham

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