Dillon Buss

Ollie over to 50-50
Ollie over to 50-50

How long did you live in Allston Massachusetts? How was that?
About two years, that was so amazing and out of control at the same time. Lot’s of great stories came out of those years.

What happened at the Halloween party you had when you lived on Brainerd street?
Well like every good party scene, they usually eventually go bad. It wasn’t actually Halloween, it was a costume party in the summer, and we had been hosting the most incredible parties all year long, video projections, live DJ’s, all good people went and had an amazing time. Well this time was definitely the ender. My good friend Alex Filho got mixed up with some people walking by the party. They accused him of throwing bottles at them, something stupid like that, and they started sizing up with each other. I got in between the two, to break it up, and before I knew it, without a punch being thrown yet, this random guy lunged past me and shanked Alex in the stomach. The crazy thing was that Alex didn’t know he was stabbed and started beating the shit out of this guy, like threw him over the hood of a car, ran over the hood after him and started pummeling him. At that point I actually ended up fighting this crazy huge dude. The raddest part was my friend DJ was dressed up as Peter Pan and jumped off a porch onto this guy while me and my friend Buck were fighting him. Like straight up flew out of the sky onto him. From what I know Alex completely slayed this guy and told him to run off, looked down and saw his guts were hanging out and got snagged up by an ambulance. He was carried off with two middle fingers in the air, and later posted a photo of his wound on facebook. Dude is gnarly. He was in critical condition for an hour or so. So insane. Gave me a greater appreciation for life and people close to me.

bs flip
bs flip

What can you tell me about “Get Gnartsy”?
Oh that was so cool. It was a project started by Tin Tran to get a crew together and film a part in one day. Just fun, cruising sort of stuff. He had the intention to string the clips together to make it seem like one long line. He did a great job. It was super fun to film that with him

Have any stories from Habitat tours?
I went on one East Coast tour with them. Spent my 21st birthday with those guys in
Asbury park, went to a roller derby that was America vs. Canada, that was dope. Louie Metal was there too and we punched each other in the face because we were all psyched, that was a good time. Those guys rule.

Who and why is Donna Summers?
Donna Summer is an incredible singer and performer from the 70’s. I was just hanging with this girl who really loves her. We watched all her live performances for so long. She was so rad. Check out her performance of “I Feel Love” she has the illest robot dance moves and completely works the stage.

Ollie over rail into bank

At what point does a girl become a woman?
Good question, I don’t know, I think its something you just realize when talking to that
person. I have no idea. Oh and for the Donna Summer question, I’d rather you switch the word “Girl” with friend or something cause she’s totally all woman, not just a girl.

Why do bad things happen to good people?
It may be a sort of wake up call. Nothing always goes right, and that’s life. Just a test on an individual to roll with the punches.

What does being a Juggalo mean to you?
It’s all about the homies and figuring out how magnets work. Face paint, you know?

Are you a bigot?
No way, I’m very open.

Have you ever got any ginger on ginger action? or is that too much ginger?
I’ll snag up anything worth snagging, and yes I have and it was awesome. I love ladies, every variety.

bs flip
bs flip

Do you think weed makes you better at art?
No. I would smoke weed if I were to go see a 3-D movie or something. But not while I
make art, I have to focus. I just eat mad snacks and pass out when I smoke.

Any good kick out stories recently? or ever?
Yes, holy shit. This was a few years ago. I was in Providence with Nate, Dean, and crew and we were skating over this bump to fire hydrant, and this cop car pulls up and yells on his intercom “stay right there!!”. We were in the middle of the alleyway so we thought we were fucked. But a second later, to our right, we saw a door and went in, ran through a little hallway, blasted through one more door and all of a sudden we were right in the middle of a huge ballroom with ladies in gowns and men in tuxedos dancing around with butlers serving cheese, the whole nine. It was like
right out of a movie. One of my friends tried to run out but mistook a painting of a door for a real one. It was super funny. We were escorted out by a butler and were never caught by the cops. Funniest experience ever. We were all like sweaty and gross, Nate had his huge camera bag on him, it was so good.

What do you think of Street League?
They are making a crazy amount of money. And I’m super happy to see people making that much in skating. But it puts a strange image on skateboarding. It categorizes it with a sport, and I don’t really believe in that. I think it’s way too unique to be something that is judged by a point system. The kids are wild about it!

What do you look forward to seeing in Skateboarding in the future?
I want people to push the boundaries of creativity in skateboarding, The stunts and all the jumping will get old eventually, of course with the exception of people who are amazingly well rounded for example someone like Grant Taylor. I’d rather watch Evil Knievel videos. More stuff like Gonz’s performance in 1998 in Germany, Stereo’s “Visual Sound” or Gou Miyagi from Japan. That’s what I’m looking forward to and I hope to be a part of that movement. And Fancy Lad.

Sponsors? Shout outs?
I want to thank Xeno for the photos, Gabe Clement at DVS, Jeff Vales, Sully & Chris Pastras at Stereo. Tin Tran, Colton Light, Suede Peach Crew, Nate Dean, Elliot Vecchia, Bro Gumpwright, Paul Sevini, The Boston Skate Scene, Mom & Dad, and Skate Jawn for this opportunity.

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