David Rose “Comfort Zone”

Interview/edit by Shane Henry. Photographs by Howard Tarpey.

fs feeble

Okay, let’s address the elephant in the room; what’s up with the sunglasses?

Man that’s intimate! Mainly because having to wear sunglasses at work all the time and surfing has caused my eyeballs to be super sensitive to the sun.

What’s the story behind the nickname “Sketch?”

It came from John Caple or maybe Josh Holtz when I used to skate Virginia Beach Skatepark. I used to revert everything, land all crazy, and never fall. It was probably ’96 or ’97, a long ass time ago.

Is it true that you filmed a whole video part within fifteen minutes of your house?

Yes. You make the best of what you got. And when you don’t have a lot of time, closer is key.

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How tough was it to film a part that you’re stoked on with the everyday juggle of work/family/getting older?

I’ve got a very cool wife Jennifer and son Bash that let me get a couple hours of skating time after work. But it’s really rough because I drive for ten hours so it’s hard for my knees to get loose. I’ll be 39 next month so I’m really stoked that I’m still somewhat able to continue to progress. It takes forever when you have a few hours a day maybe two or three days a week, but we made it work.

Who are some of your major influences on your skating?

I don’t know, there’s so many but mostly everyone I skate with. Shane, Ruckus Official guys, 410 Skateboard Crew, the Superstone guys, those guys are always killing it. Also the homie Rodney Jones for still shredding into his 40’s! And Jason Lee and the Gonz, always loved their styles.


You know when you’re young and you say “I’m going to skate forever”? Looks like you’re keeping your promise, so what’s next for David Rose?

I’m just gonna keep doing the same thing. Film, skate, work on other projects. If you stop skating you get old and I can’t have that.

Congratulations on the part David, whatcha got on some shoutouts?

Thanks man! My wife and son, Jen and Sebastian Rose, Shane Henry for filming and pushing me, 410 Skateboards for keeping wood under my feet, and my crews Superstone Skateboarding, the Ruckus guys, Cardinal, Andy Gardner and all my Baltimore heads. Also check out the homie Cabbage he’s got a sick podcast In the Patch with Cabbage, skateboarding history, mainly in the DMV area. Thats all I can think of right now, hope y’all enjoy the old man part! Shred for life! 

fs 5-0

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