What’s up Dave so let’s start with the basics, How old are you and how long have you been skating?
I’m 22 and I have been skating for about a decade.
That’s cool how did you get into skating?
My neighbor had an old banana board, and his driveway had a hill we used to bomb. That lasted for an entire summer before I got a real board.
Nice you started the right way, just finding a board and bombing hills with it unlike nowadays, most people see skating on tv or video games. Are you from Portland or are you down here for a different reason?
I was born in Worcester, Mass but I grew up in Waterville, Maine. I moved down to Portland just to get away and start fresh. Not to mention the best skating in Maine takes place here.
You got that right. So you’re just chilling in Portland skating crusty Maine spots just living the life huh?
I went to school for a couple years but wasn’t feelin’ it. I would much rather work full time and just shred while I’m young.

That’s cool man, you seem to have an old school skate soul to yourself. Going fast and pushing through anything. What inspires your skating?
I love looking for new spots and spots that people overlook. I think what keeps me motivated is knowing that there are spots everywhere that haven’t been touched and I look forward to finding a trick for them, but above all that a good crew and a cold brew are a must!
Who do you usually skate with?
I would say I skate now with Alex Winslow the most as of recent. A bunch of homies just moved out to Colorado and to Texas so the scene isn’t as thick as it once was but we still have a good crew…Matt Seavy, Ben Cironi, Mike G, Charlie Flowers, Kelsey Markee, Dave Green and the list goes on for days.
So Maine and Simple should be dropping anytime now and you’ll be having a part in that. Do you plan on working on the Maine Skate- boarding video?
You were the first person I thought of when I decided to make a video for the site. Yeah man I would love to film a part in that! I have a huge list of clips I want to get, we just need to make it happen!

Well I’m down whenever you are! Thanks for doing this interview for Skate Jawn, would you like to thank anyone or give any shout outs to the homies?
Thanks to Skate Jawn and Travis Storer for hooking up the interview. Thanks to Ride 207 and Maine Skateboarding for helping the scene grow. Sam Mckenna and Jimmy Collins for shooting the photos and thanks to all the people who are skating to have a good time because that’s what it’s all about.