Dan Peindl Interview


fs 5-0

What’s Pittsburgh like?

It’s home, I’ve lived here all my life and I don’t mind it at all. Most spots aren’t very blown out and there’s also a lot of spots that are hard to get more than one trick on. It’s also a super cheap city to live in. You’ll hear that from a lot of people that come here.

You travel a lot?
Occasionally, but I’ve only been to cities mainly in the northeast. Occasional trips to Cincinnati and other small Ohio cities. We got a lot of homies from Baltimore and I’ve been to New York a couple of times.

What do you think makes a place good for skating?
Cities with a lot of abandoned buildings, and housing seem to always be good. I like cutty spots, where no one gives a shit what you do there. I still don’t mind skating smooth downtown spots. I’m pretty open, but I definitely like to pick and choose spots that give off a certain look.

What’s a Yinzer?
Just a name given to Pittsburghers for using the word Yinz. The most defining yinzers usually have a strong accent and work a manual labor job. We’re all yinzers here in one way or another though.


no comply

If you could be on any TV game show what would it be?
Probably one of those ones where you have to make it through the obstacle course above water, and if you fuck up you get bodied and fall in. I was just watching one the other day but can’t recall the name.

Last skate trip you went on?
Last trip I was on was to Baltimore. It sucked. I fucked up my hip right before it. I did a split and stretched it out. I couldn’t even walk right at first. So I went and watched everyone skate, piled out and drank beers.

How often do you skate?
Lately it’s been everyday, now that winter is over. I don’t really like sitting around at my house, I gotta leave and do something or I’ll go crazy. Some days definitely work better than others, but it’s always good to at least try.

How often do you smoke?
Weed? I’ll smoke weed every now and then but it kind of weirds me out. I started smoking cigarettes kinda recently though.

Ever try an e-cig?
No but Greg (from the skateshop) has been on them.


fs wallride

Best thing you’ve heard about yourself from when you were blacked out?
I can’t recall too many specific ones, but last weekend I tried skating a mini ramp with a board on fire, and fell on the flat bottom covered in lighter fluid. Everyone was telling me I was on fire but I didn’t notice. I guess it went out pretty quick. I noticed my clothes were a little singed.

Best / worst job you’ve had?
Haven’t had too many official jobs. So far the best is probably the one I have now as a lot attendant. It’s pretty laid back. But I did work at a Toys R Us as a cashier as my first job ever, which was pretty embarrassing/terrible.


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Favorite person to film with? / why?
Either my friend Eric Calfo who I’ve known forever or Rob Starr. I feel like it’s easier to film with someone like-minded, that has just as much fun filming as they would skating. I hate feeling like your forcing someone to do something they don’t want to.

Favorite food to grill?
I like it all. Ribs are always a good one, don’t get those too often. Can’t go wrong with steaks, but all the basics are good too.

Favorite microwavable food?

What do you think about the increase in technology in our world?
It helps a lot but too much of anything is bad. Everyone’s so used to having it that we’ll all complain about it the second it’s slow or not working. I always think about how hard it would be to meet up with people to skate without cell phones.

Sponsors? Shout outs?
Nick and Ben at Scumco & Sons, Greg at One Up Skateshop, Drew Windon for hooking it up, Eric Calfo, Rob Starr & Dan Sotak for filming, Alex Papke, Nick Panza, & all the rest of the fuck yinz posse.

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