Whats up with this trip yr going on tomorrow?
I’m not going on a trip, that’s everyone else.
Oh shit you’re not going?
I can’t go man I just went to S.F. like not too long ago. I can’t just stay doing that shit. I wish.
Well how was the S.F. trip?
It was sick man. The best weather. I’d never been out there. It was chill.

Who’d you go with?
I went with my friend Nick, who used to live there, and just skated with all his homies everyday.
You smoke?
Yeah I fuckin smoke.
Why you move to New York?
I don’t know I just like skating out here. You don’t have to drive, just good spots, and good homies, I guess.

What’d you think the first time you met Johnny?
I don’t even remember. I thought he was some quiet kid at first but then I realized he’s just a little shit talker. Little fucker.
Least favorite thing about NY
Well right now it’s snow, sucks dick. I don’t fuckin know, there’s a lot of shitty things out here. But it’s good enough for now, I mean I like New York.
Don’t you make shit out of metal or shit? Sculptures or some shit?
Nah I just work at a metal shop at my school. I mean I have all the facilities to make shit when I wanna make shit. Like furniture whatever.

Ever make a flat bar? Or anything to skate?
Yea, that one at Fat Kid I made.
That explains why it’s so high. That’s a fat one.
Yea well its like the best flat bar ever so.
Ever been to New Jersey?
Jerz. Yeah I mean briefly. I mean it’s sick. I want to spend more time in Jerz. I want to go skate there. I’ve never really gone in the streets in Jerz and skated.
Yo just come out. Spee. Favorite skater from Jersey?
That’s a hard one. Guess I gotta say Fred Gall.
Good answer. Strongest skater in New York?
Strongest? I don’t know there’s a lot of like pussy skaters in NY you know. Just kidding. There’s not like some real power like Austin Kanfoosh, or like Nik Stain shit you know. But there are a lot of good skaters, but when I think of power I think of like Austin Kanfoosh you know. There’s a lot of good skating but…

No not the most powerful skating, just who is the strongest physically?
Probably like Aaron Herrington for sure.
Is that dude strong?
He’s just like really good.
Where you been skating lately with everything snow covered and shit?
Well definitely House of Vans, but we’ll get a dry day every couple weeks. It’s been pretty fucked for the past like month so, pretty much House of Vans. That’s it.
Where did you learn to tre flip?
Ha dude that’s brain dead. I don’t know, I fuckin saw it and started to try it. I know like fucking people think I have a weird treflip. I don’t fuckin know.
Ever go out of the country to skate?
I’ve been to like Spain and England and shit. Skated like South Bank and all the spots in Barcelona when I was like 15 or 16. Shit’s the best. Trying to go back.
Getoz or Molly?
Getoz dumbass.

What was the last heroic thing you did?
One time I was on mushrooms with my friend and he fell in the river like on top of a waterfall. and I instinctively grabbed his arm so he wouldn’t get sucked down the waterfall. Fuckin weird. I don’t think he would have died, but he was gonna be fucked for sure.
Shout outs?
All the homies. Sideyard homies. Beef Patty homies. All the homies at Supreme, Jahmal, everyone I skate with and hang out with.