What’s up Charlie? Let’s start with the basics. Name, age, location, and any sponsors you have.
My name is Charlie Cassidy. I live in Pompano Beach, Florida. I’m currently being hooked up by Vans, Alien Workshop, Bones, and Flatspot Boardshop. The guys over at Flatspot have been backing me for ten plus years, and I really appreciate all of their support
We’ve been skating together for a while now and I know you have been working on a video part, can you tell me about that?
Yeah, I think it’s 4 years in the making now. We’re pretty much done, though. My friend Tyler Ross is in charge of the filming/editing. Full parts should include Ryan Ward, Chris Freistat, Tyler Rennard (aka Soyboy), Anthony Garcia, and myself. There’s not an official name yet, but by the time this interview is printed there should be a teaser or something out.

Tell me about Shit4Brainz.
Shit4Brainz is a project my friend Soyboy and I started. We intended to use the brand as a sort of inside joke within our friend circle. A kind of multimedia manifesto we could use to collaboratively document our warped friendships and interests. I was frustrated with so many awesome pictures/videos going to waste. Disappearing on Snapchat or casualty to broken iPhones. So Soyboy and I created Shit4Brains as a safeguard, a place for firends to send us anything from skate clips to awkward Katie Perry sing-alongs. A lot of Shit4Brainz material also centers around the number 4, which we consider good luck. We designed/sold stickers/t shirts for a while, but recently haven’t had much time or money to put into Shit4Brainz. Soyboy also moved to New York a few months ago, so it has been hard to keep the ball rolling. For now we are mainly focused on our blog (shit4brainzzzz.tumblr. com). I think it’ll be fun to look back on years from now, and laugh at all the stupid shit we were into.

You skated in the last All City Showdown in NYC on the Local Express team, I heard you got a ridiculous number of clips just in that one day. How was that experience?
Yeah that was a super fun and crazy day. I stayed with my buddy John Valenti in NY a couple weeks before and he mentioned All City, and said he’d buy me a plane ticket if I entered. Needless to say, I was down. It was Valenti, Soyboy, Dave Caddo, and me skating all over Manhattan. I was really trying to make the most of the trip because I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be back in NY. So I skated as much as I could, and actually ended up getting a $75 ticket for skating the courthouse, haha. It was worth it though.

I was told you got tackled by security that day too, must’ve been fun. Hah not quite, but that security dude was definitely crazy. He didn’t try to tackle me, but he did push John and try to grab my backpack. Our friend Eby noticed the guy was top heavy, so he gave the guard the slightest push and he fell over like a ton of bricks. It was crazy, there was a cop across the street that saw everything and he didn’t try to stop us, haha. We all got the hell out of there before anything else happened.
Whenever I call you in the morning to skate you’re usually finishing up yoga. What got you into that?
Around 5 years ago, Ryan Ward and I simultaneously hurt our ankles. Ward’s mom introduced me to yoga to help with the heal, and since skating and my job are both very labor-insensitive, I kind of just stuck with yoga to keep my body loose and my mind clear.
Like a ton of other Floridians you clean pools for work. Ever find a pool you’d like to skate later?
I think I’ve only found one really sick pool. It was a clover kind of shape, which I hadn’t seen before. Unfortunately, I never got to skate it.
In an intro to an old part (Spread The Good) you do stare switch laser flips and now people request them left and right.
How do you feel about the no-look switch laser flip?
Haha that’s my party trick I guess. I’m not too into laser flips anymore but if the homies ask for it, I’ll usually give in.
Anyone you’d like to thank, or shout out?
For sure! I’d like to first thank you and the guys at Skate Jawn for this awesome interview. I’d also like to thank my family, my boss, my friends Alison Parente, Tyler Ross, and John Valenti, Dave and Brad at Vans, Brennan at Alien, CJ at Bones, Aaron and everyone over at Flatspot Boardshop, and the former BC of Coral Springs. I couldn’t do what I do without your support!