How long did it take to film the new video?
About a year.

Where would you rank this one among Bronze projects?
Every project is 3rd place.

Whats more important, a minute of bangers or a full part?
All you need is 6 good tricks.

Who do you think went hardest for the video?
It was a lot different than “It’s Time”, I don’t think anyone was really stressing on going hard for a big video part. I really liked Marks part, it came together pretty chill. He’d get a clip, then kinda chill for a month, then be like “found this spot on google maps in Jersey, should check it out”. It wasn’t on some “THIS IS GONNA BE MY BIG PART” type of vibe.

How many trips did you take to get footage? Where did the team go?
We took a trip to Miami right after “It’s Time” came out. It was more of a drinking trip though, managed to get a few clips. 12 people in an airbnb with 1 bathroom, somehow was able to not get a bad airbnb review. Then sent the boys on a road trip from Chicago to Detroit to Cleveland. People almost got shot, cops were called on our airbnb, got kicked out, Josh did that big channel gap in Indiana. While those guys were in the Midwest, I went to DC with a couple guys. Car broke down on the way back to NYC, had to get towed to Wawa, too late at night to go to a mechanic, luckily ran into a geeked out man with gauges and a Sublime shirt who jump started our car which was able to drive us to the nearest Super 8 before it broke down again. Then sent the guys to Pittsburg where it was 100 degrees everyday. A weekend in Philly. Went to Tokyo, did a pop up shop with Prov skate shop, got kicked out of everywhere, drank way too many Strong Zeros, a lot of pizza buns and chicken nuggets. Wasn’t even planning on getting clips but clips were gotten. Dick Rizzo ollied those Ladybugs and it looked really sick. Had a dope fourteen hour layover in Beijing on the way back because I don’t know how to book flights properly. You can’t leave the airport in Beijing without having a visa so we just drank and ate KFC, it was a very unhealthy trip. Then did a trip to Puerto Rico, covered a lot of ground.

Any trips planned for this year?
Portugal and Newark.

2020 trend forecast?
Resurge of Emerica, social media cleanses, attempting to go sober, getting into hiking, TikTok, World War 3, more podcasts, Switch varial flips, saving money, having good credit, clickbait everything, algorithm wars.