Brian, what you up to right now? What’s popping?
Chilling, eating eggs and a bagel at like 7:23 at night.
Sounds like a good meal. Breakfast for dinner. So where are you from?
I’m from Westfield, New Jersey, a town kind of near Newark.
Did you grow up skating New Jersey a lot?
Yeah, pretty much just Jersey around the streets and then go to New York on the weekends, or Philly.
You still living in Jersey? Or you moved out?
Nah, I moved out during the summer, I think it was like July. I moved in with my friends Harry, Chris, and Keith. It’s been sick living in Philly.
So now that we know you’ve been out in Philly and you’ve been skating New York growing up. Being from Jersey, where would you choose: NYC or Philly? And don’t be scared cause I’m interviewing you.
Philly a hundred percent in my opinion. I don’t know. I just like
it better. I like how everyone’s just always around each other. I mean, there are different groups, but it’s mainly just like everybody’s one. I see everybody every day I go out skating. It’s not scattered, I guess.
What’s your daily routine around here, now that you out in Philly living on your own?
Wake up, get a bagel, probably end up skating to Muni or Paines, and meet up with everybody then just going out and trying to get clips in the streets. That’s pretty much it. And then get into some shenanigans during the nighttime.

You working on anything right now?
I don’t know really what it’s going to go towards right now, but I definitely have a bunch of stuff saved up. So hopefully something comes out soon. We’ll see though.
Who have you been filming with?
My roommate Harry Bergenfield. He’s the homie. I’ve actually only known him for like less than a year, but we just kinda started stacking clips and then eventually we just ended up moving in together. I love filming with Harry. It’s all so natural. Just go out and skate. Whatever we can come home with, it’s all good.
So let’s take it back a little bit. What was your first board and your first video?
My first board was a Flip. I had pink trucks. I don’t know what kind of trucks they were. And then I had some OG Spitfire wheels. I remember that’s my first board for sure. My first video was… I mean I used to watch shit on like Havoc TV, on like cable you could go and watch random videos.
Did you ever watch the Jamal Havoc TV stuff of him skating around
Maybe I did, I don’t remember, it was so long ago, but my first actual skate video was Ride the Sky, Fallen. That shit was fire. I would watch that shit religiously.
I feel that. Chris Cole wristbands and all that, let’s go. You still watching Zero and Fallen videos and riding Flip boards? I know you out here doing your thing. Who throwin you product nowadays? Who you riding for?
Well Converse for shoes. They have been really hooking it up. It’s been so sick. They’ve been sending me a bunch of shoes. That’s been great. Thanks for that. I just recently started getting flowed boards from Hockey, so we’re just gonna see what’s good with that. That’s pretty much it. I also skate for OJ wheels, Mob grip, Bronson, Travel skateshop, and that’s it.

What’s next for you? What you want out of everything. What are your goals in life?
I don’t know, to be able to put stuff out that I’m super hyped on and just keep skating with everybody around Philly. Try to go harder.
Up the ante every day. If you had to choose a new favorite video now that you’re not watching Ride the Sky every day, no more. What would it be?
That’s hard. My favorite video currently was that new FA video that came out. I watched that a couple of times. That shit got me fired up.
I talked to some of your homies from Jersey, people that saw you grow up and they told me to ask you about how high school was for you.
Oh my god, dude. I was such a shithead in high school. I would just leave school to go to the city. I basically got kicked out because I was just refusing to go. They ended up putting me in this program called bridge, which was like the lowest of the low program. I don’t know. I was just so bad at school. I just like, couldn’t do homework and shit.
What were you out doing? Skating? Macking?
Yeah I was out skating. I mean a little bit of both to be honest, but mostly out skating.
Also from what I’m hearing is that you were dummy good when you were a little kid. So tell me about your youth. How was skating as a little kid? Like what was that whole scene for you coming up?
I don’t even remember that’s so long ago, but yeah, I’ve been skating for forever. Pretty much just used to skate the skatepark down the street from my house. I would just be there every day. And my homies from back home, the majority of them are way older than me, so maybe that just made me progress faster or something. The older homies would just drive me around and we’d just skate everywhere.

One oddball question. What’s your favorite food?
Yo I just had some chicken and waffles today. That was so gas.
But my favorite meal… I mean Thanksgiving is coming up and I love turkey and stuffing. Probably just the Thanksgiving meal. You know, that’s gas. I can’t wait for that.
Alright get this man turkey if you see him. He’s a nice guy. You got any shout outs?
Shoutout Travel skateshop, all the homies back home, my mom. I don’t know everybody.